Chapter 6: Sick

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Lisa's Pov:
I woke up feeling not so good. My sister came over to me and asked, "Dear sister are you okay?" I said to my sister, "No, Luna im not okay, i feel like im dying." I sneezed and My sister said, "Bless you." "Thanks Sis." I said.

Luna's Pov:

"Where is Lisa, Luna?" Hermione asked me. "She is sick so she's staying in our common room." I told her nonchalantly. "Im going to check on her." Hermione said to me as she left The Great Hall. "I really hope she's okay." Harry said to me. "She'll be okay." I said to him.

Hermione's Pov:
I walked out The Great Hall and to the Ravenclaw common room. I entered it and ran up to Lisa's bed. "Oh... Hey Hermione." Lisa said sounding sick. "Hey Lis. How you feeling?" I asked worried. "Oh ya know, feeling dead." She said laughing a bit. I laughed a bit too. "I don't care if i miss classes, im staying by your side the whole day, alright?" I said holding her hand. "Aww that's sweet." Lisa said looking at me, smiling. "I will ALWAYS protect you Lisa." I said to her.

Lisa's Pov: "I will ALWAYS protect you Lisa." Hermione said to me. "Tha-" I sneezed causing Hermione to say, "Bless you." "Thank you so much Babe." I said to her. That was the last thing i remember before falling asleep.
"Wake up Sicky" I heard Hermione say as i opened my eyes. I groaned still being sick. "How do you feel?" Hermione asked. "Still sick." I said looking at her. "Do you want me to go to Nurse Pomfrey and get some medicine?" Hermione asked me. "No, I.. Just want you to stay with me, Like you said 'I don't care if i miss classes, im staying by your side the whole day alright?'"

I said to her making her smile. "That's true i haven't left your side." Hermione said. "Really?" I chuckled. "Yup." Hermione said holding my hand.

Hermione's Pov: I laid next to Lisa not caring if i get sick. "What are you doing Mione?" Lisa asked me. "I don't care if i get sick I want to be next to you." I said caressing her cheek. "Aww Babe." Lisa said smiling.

(A/N: This was nice to write. And it's so cute having Hermione be sooooo caring. Im not crying, you are!😭)

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