12. Thomas

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Ayla sits in the corner smoking a joint quietly as she watches the group chuckle and drink amongst themselves. After Thomas' astonishing win, the group decided to come back to his new home and hold a celebratory gathering and house warming party with tequila, music and lots of weed.

Although the place reeks, everyone for once seems to be at peace with each other, in hysterics over the dumbest things. Unfortunately, this peace would all be over in a few hours when everybody had sobered up.

Thomas walks into the lounge room with a massive bag of assorted doughnuts. He sits himself down in an old tattered recliner next to Ayla and holds out the bag of doughnuts. She looks in the bag and takes out a dark pink doughnut as Thomas picks up a caramel one. They look at each other as they both take the first bite chuckling, monged as fuck. Ayla's lips are adorned in icing and sprinkles, the sweet taste of the doughnut a blessing.

Thomas' phone buzzes a few minutes later. Alertly, he stands up and walks out of the lounge room. Ayla watches him with a smile on her lips as she knew exactly where he was going. It was her that egged Panda on to do it anyhow.

As Thomas leaves, Cook stands up from the couch where everyone else is sitting and plops himself down on the chair which Thomas had just left. He pulls out his papers and some weed and carefully begins rolling a joint.

Ayla looks at Freddie who has Effy planted firmly on his lap as they talk. Noticing Ayla is looking at Freddie, Cook stops rolling his joint and watches her.

"Hi, Cook," Ayla says, noticing out of the corner of her eye that he is watching her. Cook blushes and finishes rolling his joint.

"Why don't you look at me? Scared of what my transfixing eyes can do?" he jokes around, plopping the joint in his mouth and digging through his pockets for a lighter. Ayla looks at him.

"Pretty much" she replies as Cook lights his joint and bats his eyelashes at her jokingly. Effy cheers as JJ stands up and starts dancing with the twins, twirling them around one by one in time with the music.

"I was wondering..." he starts, taking a deep puff from his joint.

"If you could get a fuck?" she finishes. He exhales a cloud of smoke and chuckles.

"Nah I was wondering what that present you got me for my birthday was," he asks.

"The one you said you wouldn't accept unless it was my pussy?" she asks. Cook nods, the joint secured between his lips. "What if that was what it was" Ayla jokes around just to see what he says.

"I'd say no because I have too much respect for you" he replies. He offers her a drag to which she declines. "You told me you didn't want a shag so I won't pressure it"

"What changed?" she asks. Cook doesn't respond, blowing a big cloud of smoke. "Sounds like you want more than just a fuck Cook"

"I don't even want that. I want to respect you and shit" he says, finishing his joint and pressing it into the ashtray. "Well a fuck would be good but..." Cook continues, trying to disguise his soft spot for Ayla. Cook did want more than a fuck but pretended he didn't. Little did he know she had already had sex with his best mate.

The front doorbell rings and Thomas speed's out of the bedroom to open it. Ayla stands up slowly and goes to look at who it is. She gulps as she makes direct eye contact with Thomas' mum. Katie drifts past the door with a bottle of whiskey and a joint.

"Hi" she chuckles to Thomas' mum who looks beyond shocked. Thomas' siblings yank on his arms, excited to see him, his little brother looking up at Ayla and waving excitedly. Pandora waltzes out of the bedroom and up to Thomas with nothing but underwear on, her arm covering her boobs. Good knows how she didn't notice Thomas' mum.

"You gonna come and flippin' well jump me now? I took my bra off and everything! Look!" she says taking her arm away to show off her tits. "Aren't they fucking amazing?" she grins, before realising Thomas' mum is standing directly in front of her.

Thomas turns to his mother, trying to explain himself before she cuts him off, speaking to him sternly in French. None of them understand what is being said until Thomas turns back around to them and says two words.

"Home. Congo"

fuck you, peachy | skinsWhere stories live. Discover now