Chapter VIII

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It was now they're last class, biology. Damian was sitting next to Tim, and was writing the bits of his part of the project. It was a comfortable. There were students talking, and the teacher explaining, clicking of computers, and words being scribbled down on paper.

"Hey Damian?" Tim asked, looking over at the younger teen.


"Why do the other kids tease and bully you?"

All the other noises suddenly sounded like they were under water. All Damian could hear was silence. But he didn't show that. He doesn't show weakness.

"I'm younger than them I guess. They often call me names, and push me around. It's probably because I'm adopted and only have a dad." He answered.

Tim looked up from his work, and at Damian.

"And your okay with that?"

Damian just nodded, which to Tim, was unbelievable!!

"Has your dad ever tried to help? At least a call maybe?"

Damian nodded his head. "He did, but the teachers don't care. They never do."

Tim couldn't believe what he was hearing! Sure, he had only known him for like, a whole day, but he was still mad!

"It's fine, Tim. Don't get mad at pointless things." Damian muttered, briefly looking at Tim before continuing on his project.

Tim let out a heavy sigh, and decided not to push it further. But he WILL fight whoever hurt Damian. He's too young for stuff like that!

School had ended, and they were walking to the car Alfred was in. Or, they thought it was Alfred. Turns out it was Dick and Jason today.

They headed into the car, Tim going in first then Damian. As they buckled up, Dick spoke.

"How was school guys?" He asked.

"Fine." Came Tim's reply, who was now looking out the window.

"And you Damian?"

"..good." He muttered, as he took out his sketchbook and a pencil. It was a 12 minute car drive, so he decided to draw for the time being.

"So we thought to go to Damians house for the proje-" before he could finish, Damian immediately looked up and said "no!" Real quick. Tim gave him a look as well as the others, and Damian cleated his throat, and more mentally stable said, "no."

"Why?" Asked Tim. Damian just looked away quietly. "I.. don't wanna talk about it." The reason was because there was a  blood stain on his wall that he forgot to wipe away from the night before.

They quieted down, the only sound coming from Damian starting to draw.

Still, they wanted to know. But if it was personal, then they wouldn't push it.

He started sketching, getting Tim and Jason's attention. He was sketching a figure, not quiet resembling anyone just yet, who was standing proudly on a rooftop. 8 minutes later, it started looking like NightWing. Wait.. NightWing?

"Is that..." Tim started, wondering how he got it to be so accurate.

"NightWing?" Jason finished, looking behind him.

Damian nodded, continuing to draw. The older secret-vigilantes looked at each other. "How'd you draw him so accurate?" Dick asked, thinking about any times he was standing like that minor around.

"I saw him like that last night." He answered bluntly. "I couldn't sleep, so I was watching something on my phone. I heard someone jumping on a roof pretty loudly, so I looked out and saw him standing proudly like that."

The rest bought that, and dick let out a sigh. It wasn't clear whether it was a "I can't believe this kid." sigh, or a "That was a close call." sigh.

Once they made it to the manor, Tim and Damian headed to Tim's room.

They started the project again. Tim opened his laptop, as Damian got his note book out. As they continued, Tim started humming a tune that was someone recognizable to Damian. After a short while of Damian doing his bit of the project, he pin pointed the song to "Young Volcanoes" by Fall Out Boy.

Soon, he started to hum along with him slowly started to sing the song quietly. Tim didn't care, because everyone sings along to a song they like. It was pretty normal.

As they continued, Tim spoke up.

"You like Fall Out Boy?" He asked, not looking up from his research on Robins. "Also, Robins were declared the national bird of England in 1960, December 15th."

As Damian scribbled down the fact, he responded to the question. "Yes, but I think AJR is better." He mumbled.

Tim laughed, "Not to judge, but don't you think My Chemical Romance is way more cool?"

Damian huffed, "nope."

Tim chuckled, and continued to research, with the occasional small talk with Damian. It was nice.

When it was time for dinner, Damian and Tim got up, and headed down stairs to eat.

"So, Tim, hows the project going?" Bruce asked, as he made himself tea.

"Good. Also, which is better? MCR or AJR?" Tim said, looking at Damian. Who mouthed a "your on." to Tim.

Tim gave a competitive look at him, and back at Bruce.

"Should I know what the are?" Bruce asked questioningly. As he said that, both Tim and Damians mouth hanged open.

"How could you NOT know them?" Tim screeched, and looked at the rest of his family plus Damian, who just snickered. "This is unacceptable. Bruce, you MUST have heard at least ONE song from them? Like "Teenagers" by MCR?"

"Or "BANG!" By AJR?" Damian piped in, looking at Bruce as well.

Bruce just looked even more confused, and the table went to chaos. Tim and Damian kept on saying song names by both bands/singers, as Dick started laughing, and Jason was just screeching "HOW OLD ARE YOU?" to Bruce who was just confused and somewhat terrified at the younger ones.

Needless to say, the rest of the night was filled with them listening to songs from various bands and singers, raging from MCR to AJR to Alan Walker and to Cardi B. Occasionally a Maroon 5 and Fall Out Boy as well.

It was a good night. As they listened to Cardi B's new song, "WAP" (even though Bruce DESPISED it as he saw the dance people on 'Tik Tok' made.) Tim turned to Damian, and asked why they couldn't go to Damians House for the project. Damian just mumbled something not quite decipherable, but he let it go.

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