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    The halls were crowded with students on their way to see the students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang arrive. Pulling my hair up into a bun not really paying attention to my surroundings I bumped into someone.

  "Jeez don't you watch where you're going" a familiar snobby voice said.

I look up to see Draco with a surprising look, "oh sor- he began to say but I quickly rushed past him.

  I walked up behind Lilith who was holding on to the side of the bridge, she was very eager to meet the new students mainly because she heard the boys from Durmstrang were cute.

"Are they here yet?" I asked looking up to the sky. There I saw a beautiful blue carriage with
Gold accents and a red top. It was stunning to say the least. It was being pulled by I'd say a dozen Abraxans. It skimmed over the treetops of the Forbidden Forest and the lights shining from the castle windows hit it.

Hagrid was below it holding something I guess trying to get them to land where he was but instead it just flew over him landing in a completely different area.

All of a sudden I heard waves crashing. I looked over to the Great Lake. Slowly, magnificently, the ship rose out of the water, gleaming in the moonlight. It had a strangely skeletal look about it, as though it were a resurrected wreck, and the dim, misty lights shimmering at its portholes looked like ghostly eyes. Finally, with a great sloshing noise, the ship emerged entirely, bobbing on the turbulent water, and began to glide toward the bank.

  "Wicked" Lilith exclaimed "Extremely" I said with my eyes still fixed on the ship.


Dinner that night was magnificent. The Beauxbatons students took their seats at the Ravenclaw table, while the Durmstrang students chose seats at the Slytherin table. After a few words of welcoming from Dumbledore, the feast began. It was much like other feasts we've had, but a greater variety of food was present than normal, as foreign dishes had been added to the selection, such as bouillabaisse and "a sort of pale blancmange".

  "Look that's Daniel Borislav" Lilith shook me from my concentration. I looked over to where she was pointing to see a tall pale boy with dark hair and dark eyes. "He's so handsome, isn't he?" She said with dreamy eyes "calm down lilith" "calm down! Do you know who's sitting at this very table" "who" I said rolling my eyes as a took a fairly large bite out of a piece of pumpkin pie. "Victor Krum" I almost spat out my food "THE Victor Krum" she nodded.

   I've had quite a crush on him for a few years, I'm really into quidditch and he was one of the best seekers. He played this year at the quidditch World Cup. I attended with Lilith and her parents since they had extra tickets.

"Bloody hell" I heard a voice say from the far end of the table, I look over to see Theodore Nott "excuse me?" I stated "gushing over a boy who doesn't even know you exist, wouldn't be the first time" he elbowed Crabbe. "Shut up" Draco said without looking up.

"Why, she deserves it" Theodore said going to stand up. "If you so much as say another word to her I swear to god Nott" Draco said standing up to face the skinny boy. "Fine" Theodore said, he then gave me a dirty look and walked out of the hall. "Sorry about that" malfoy said not looking at me. I could see the hurt in his eyes, but I had told him to leave me alone I wish he'd just let Nott be so I could've at least fought him.

  After about 20 minutes I heard a loud cap and all the food from the table was gone. "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, ghosts and most particularly, guests. I have great pleasure in welcoming you all to Hogwarts. I hope and trust that your stay here will be both comfortable and enjoyable. The tournament has now officially started. Please remember only wizards and witches that are 17 and older may enter, you will have the next 24 hours to put you're name in and tomorrow the goblet will select the winners."

  That night I had a particularly hard time falling asleep so I decided to sneak to the kitchens to get some water and a snack.

  As I was walking on the cold floors I bumped into someone "y/n?" I heard a boy say in a cold tone, but it was too dark to see a face.

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