Chapter 2

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Today as helicopter was taking the pack and Elena to Isla Nublar where John Hammond and his guests were waiting. Elena woke up and changed into a summer outfit. The pack was ready and they got in Elena car and drove to the airport. They saw they helicopter and got inside. "I wonder what this park is gonna be"Seth said excitedly. Elena smiled. Soon after talking after laughing for what felt like hours they saw the island. They were landing now and it was a bumpy ride to land. Once they got off the helicopter they saw the island and Elena smiled at how beautiful it looked. They all got in the cars and drove to the visitors center where John Hammond was with his guests. "Elena" two little kids said. Elena looked to see Lex and Tim and she smiled. They both engulfed her into a hug. "Hi you two got so big" Elena said. Leah and Seth smiled. Elena was always good with kids. Soon after meeting everyone they went on the tour. Elena was sitting with Seth, Lex, Tim and Paul. While everyone else was in the car with Alan, Ian, Ellie. They didn't see any dinosaurs so far. Once they got to the trex it didn't even show except the goat. They all just kept going on with the tour. Soon Alan got out of the car and went to see something. Everyone followed behind him. They saw a triceratops. Elena gasped. "Wow" she said. The triceratops was sick. Soon thunder was heard. "Doctors if you please I have to suggest that we get moving" the lawyer said. Ellie wanted to stay with the triceratops while everyone else left. It started to rain badly soon the cars stopped the power was out. They were infront of the trex cage. Timmy was playing with some night vision goggles her found. Then he said something that made everyone scared. "Umm guys look." Timmy said. They looked and saw the goat not there. Elena eyes widened. "Where is the goat" lex said. A goat leg fell on top of the car and they saw and gasped. "What the hell" Paul said. Elena and Paul were next to each other breathing heavily scared. Soon the trex popped out. The lawyer ran out of the car. "He left us. He left us" Lex said. Elena hugged the girl and comforted her. "Where do you think he is going" Alan said. "When you got to go, you got to go" Leah said. Soon the wires on the fences were coming off. "Doctor Grant" Lex said. The trex got out of his cage. Jared pulled Kim closer to him. "Keep absolutely still his vision is based on movement" Alan said. Lex grabbed a flashlight and turned it on. The trex saw and came to their car. "Turn the light off" Elena said. The trex came into view and Elena closed the door. The trex growled an looked at the car. They all froze. The trex looked like he was going to do something so they moved away. The trex began to try and flip the car over. Everyone screamed. "Turn it off" they all kept saying trying to turn the light off. The trex looked from the window of the car roof. They all looked up and the trex busted through. They screamed. The trex began to flip the car over. Alan, Ian, Leah, Sam, Jared and Kim gasped. Elena pulled everyone up so they couldn't get stuck. But she got herself stuck. Alan got Lex, Seth, Paul and Timmy out. "Go hide somewhere I don't know where and stay there until the Rex is gone." Elena said. They were about to protest until they heard loud footsteps. "GO" Elena screamed. Everyone else ran to the woods where the Rex couldn't see them. The tree was pushing the car to the ledge. They all could hear Elena crying. "Please. Ahh. No. No" Elena screamed and cried. The trex pushed the car over the ledge and the car landed on the trees. Elena hit her head on the steering wheel. She blacked out. "Elena" everyone screamed. The trex left and disappeared. "Okay umm how about Alan you get Seth, Lex and Tim and Kim out if here and to the visitors center and we will get Elena. We will meet up again." Leah said. Alan nodded and took Kim, Seth, Lex and Tim away. The rest left to go get Elena. Sam, Paul, Jared and Leah ran to the car and saw it up high in the trees. Paul climbed the tree while everyone was on the ground. Paul finally made it to the car and saw Elena knocked out. "Elena. Hey. Elena wake up" Paul said. He grabbed Elena and carried her down. The car was moving so he had to move quick. He carried Elena bridal style and the car was about to fall on top of him so he got out of the way. He set Elena down and they looked to see if she was okay. Elena soon woke up to people calling her name. "You okay" Leah asked. Elena nodded. "Did I just fall of a ledge by a dinosaur" Elena said. They nodded. Elena began to sigh. She stood up and looked around. "Well I guess we find somewhere to camp out." Elena said. They walked and heard the t Rex roar. They stopped and looked around. Elena saw a little shelter and went inside. She had her flashlight and looked around to see if anyone was there. No one was in their. "Alright we stay here. Then continue walking to the visitor center." Elena said. They all nodded and layed down and fell asleep. Sam looked towards Elena to see her not being able to sleep properly. He went over and cuddled her. Elena then cuddled into Sam and fell asleep. Sam smiled and fell asleep.
~ The next day~
Elena woke up and heard something. She got up and grabbed a weapon which was a crowbar a d opened the door. It was a bird. She sighed. Soon everyone else woke up. "So now what." Leah asked. "Well we continue to walk to the visitor center and see what we can do" Elena said. They went back to where the T Rex enclosure. The other car was still good. Elena went towards the car and went inside she went to hot wire it and it turned on. "Yes" She said. They got in the car and drove it towards the visitor center. They went passed the raptor enclosure and saw it opened and destroyed. "Elena look" Jared said. Elena was in shock. "Okay that was not from the t Rex" Elena said. She looked out the window and saw nothing but trees. "We have to find Seth." Lea said. Elena hit the pedal to go fast and they went speeding. They arrived at the visitor center to see. Seth, Lex and Tim, Kim running towards them. "Where is Alan" Elena said. "He went to find Ellie" Lex said. "There is a velociraptor in the kitchen" Kim said. "Control room" Elena said. They ran to the control room and Paul noticed a cabinet. He opened and inside were guns. "Sweet" Paul said. "Elena." Paul yelled. She looked and saw the gun cabinet. "Give me one" Elena said. Paul got two guns and gave one to Elena. " The door locks. Elena put on the door locks" Sam said. He saw a raptor outside the door. The raptor tried to open the door but Sam pushed it back. Elena, Paul, Jared looked and helped Sam with the door. Lex looked and saw the computer. "Unix system. I know this. It has all the files to the whole park" Lex said. She looked for the file and found it and got the power to work. The door closed and the locks worked. "What works" Elena asked. "Phones, computers, you name it we got it" Lex said. Elena picked the phone up. "Clearwater" John said. "Mr. Hammond the phones are working" Elena said. "Children alright." John asked. "Yes children are fine. Tell the people to send the damn helicopters and get to the helicopter way" Elena said. A glass breaking was heard. "It's gonna come through the glass" Leah said. Elena pulled everyone behind her and started to shoot the gun. Paul grabbed a ladder and set up and let everyone go up. Elena stopped firing the gun and climbed the ladder. She then kicked the ladder so no one else can get up on it. They crawled to get to the entrance. They finally crawled to the entrance and opened the little door. They heard a raptor call and looked to see one. All climbed into the t Rex skeleton and it broke as soon as a raptor got on it. "Tim let go" Elena said and he fell. Soon everyone fell into the floor. Lex screamed when a raptor was getting close to her. The raptors had them all cornered. One was about to attack and Elena pulled everyone behind her. The raptor jumped but the trex caught it and fought both Raptors as a way for everyone to leave the building. They all got in the car and drove off. They drove to the helicopter way and got inside the helicopter. "I don't know if mom will let you stay with me again." Elena said. Leah and Seth looked down. "But maybe she will when I tell you you can stay with me forever" Elena said. "Wait what" they all said. Elena laughed. "Mom is letting you all stay with me in New Mexico" Elena said. "All of your stuff is being shipped to my house and that's where we stay" Elena said. "Even Jacob, Embry and Quill" Seth asked. Elena nodded. Soon then all fell asleep. But one thing is for sure. This isn't the last time on an island full of dinosaurs.

Jurassic Park/Twilight Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora