I reload, grateful the gun takes the same ammo I already have. "Have I ever told you how impressive I find it that you can fight in a dress?"

She laughs, though it sounds strained. "Keep the flattery coming."

I fire my tranquilizer gun, hitting an Amoris in the chest, followed by a bullet in their leg from the handgun. "Your eyes shine like a star-filled night."

She snorts. "I'm swooning." I hear her gun go off, and she leans against me more as if the kickback is getting too much.

"I could lose myself in them and never find my way back out," I tease, shooting an Amoris in the shoulder. "It's very problematic."

She presses against me more, and I feel her shoulders rising and falling as she breathes too hard. "I love you," she says, her tone serious.


"I don't have all my strength." She's out of breath. "I don't think—"

"You will." I turn and grab her waist before pushing her behind me and backing us toward the wall.

Her forehead presses against my shoulder. "You don't have to do this."

"If death wants you, he can go through me first."

In the distance an Amoris raises his gun, but I'm faster. With two bullets, he falls.

"Hey." Bently runs up to us, Sebastian behind him. My Digamma's eyes shift to Iris. "Is she okay?"

She turns her head, her forehead rolling against me. "You're doing better," she mutters.

"What's wrong?" He turns to me. "Was she shot with a tranquilizer?"

"Turns out being locked in a cell saps at your strength," she answers as she lifts her head off me and shifts against my back as if she's standing up straight.

"Has she been saying she thinks she's not making it out of this?" he asks, and I nod. He rolls his eyes. "I swear your brother is a horrible influence." Facing us, he holds his arm out to the side and fires off two shots at an Amoris. "He's incredibly dramatic, if you haven't noticed." Iris grumbles, and I can imagine her giving Bently a vulgar gesture.

I reload my gun. "We're all making it out of this."

Three Amoris head for us, and my cousins and I each take one down.

Erik makes a dash for us, skidding to a stop, a grin on his face, before turning and firing at two Amoris. "No one dead yet?" he asks over his shoulder.

I cut him a glare he doesn't see.

"Since none of you are answering, I'm going to assume that you're all dead."

"If we're all going to stand around and chat," Bently says, "then care to tell me what Alastairi Moretti is doing here?"

Iris stiffens against me. "Moretti?" Alastair hadn't included his last name when he introduced himself to her.

"As lovely as it is too catch up"—I squint, firing a tranquilizer at the Amoris I shot last—"can we save this for later?"

"Save what for later?" Tobias sidles up to us, both guns raised, firing one after the other.

"Lunch," Bently says drily.

"Ooh." Erik drops down to a knee, aiming. "I could go for a burger."

As if he's actually weighing the idea, Sebastian tilts his head side to side. "Do you think we could find a place where I can get bacon on mine?"

I'm about to bash my head against the wall. "Have you seen Gwen or Colton?" I ask Tobias, my eyes scanning the room for the closest threat.

"Alastair and Gwen are stationed in front of Odette and her Order."


"Here." My brother grips Vienna, leaning against her as she takes aim and pulls her trigger.

While Sebastian, Erik, and Bently drag over chairs to create shields, Vienna leans Colton against the wall beside Iris before standing guard in front of him. His makeshift bandage is soaked through with blood. Iris tears off another strip from her dress and sets to work on him.

Across the room, two of our soldiers fall to the floor, but there are more of us than them. We have a chance.

Colton lets out a groan as Iris finishes tying the fabric.

Bracing a hand against the wall, Iris reaches for her gun. "Promise me we can get pancakes and not burgers, and I'll pull myself together."

"We make it out of here, and I'll take you to eat pancakes in any country you wish."

Her gun clicks as she reloads it. "Deal." Her voice sounds haggard.

Working together with Iris, Vienna, my cousins, and our soldiers, my brother helping when his strength allows, we're able to overpower the remaining Amoris who serve Odette.

At last, they lay down their weapons and raise their Marked arms. As they take a knee, it opens a path for me to see Alastair and Gwen, both still standing, their heads turned toward each other.

I cling onto Iris, pulling her against me. I feel her heart beat against my chest as our soldiers round up Odette's Amoris. Her hands tighten in my shirt.

And I hold her. 

JulianaTheis made a Discord server for Expiration Date! It's a place to chat about the series and chat with each other. If you want to join, the link is on my message board or you can message me. I hope to see you there!

So . . .

An evil Amoris discovered Jonas's secret.

Jonas: Everything's going to be fine.

Me: Keep lying to yourself if that makes you feel better.

Exported [Book 3 in the Expiring Series]Where stories live. Discover now