Expiration Date from Story to Screen?

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Honestly, I still can't believe it.

But it's true!

Wattpad, Tongal, and the Syfy Network—that's right!—are partnering together in a contest to make Expiration Date into a show!

Wattpad, Tongal, and the Syfy Network—that's right!—are partnering together in a contest to make Expiration Date into a show!

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I've been dying to tell you all this for so long and now I finally can!

If you remember the Cupid's Match contest, filmmakers created trailers based on their vision of @LEPalphreyman's story. That's what's going to happen with Expiration Date! I can't wait to see Iris, and Colton, and Jonas, and Erik brought to life, and I hope you can't wait either!

Thank you so much for all of your support! This would not be happening without you!

This is why I've been rewriting Expiration Date. I've been doing a lot of plot work and editing to make the story better. I really want to publish it one day, and I want to give Expiration Date its best shot! Before I can return to Exported, I need to finish this rewrite and outline Expired so I can make sure that everything that happens in Exported is meant to happen. Thank you for sticking with it and for asking me questions about it! I appreciate it so much. You all are the reason Expiration Date and I get this opportunity.

Exported [Book 3 in the Expiring Series]Where stories live. Discover now