Chapter 6: Magic UA part 2

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"We're here!" Izumi said as she and her siblings step down from the Carriage.

They look in front of them and their eyes widen at the beauty.

The floors were cemented. All the inns were cemented and painted different colours. Pentals were hung on top the streets. They were fairies flying around and spreading their beautiful glitters everywhere they flew across.

"Woah Fairies" Ochako and the other girls eyes sparkles at the sight of the fairies

"They are so much more beautiful that the way those books described them" Momo said

"So those fairy tales about Fairies,Magic, witches and wizards are real but in another Universe?" Bakugo asks

"Yep" Lucy answered

"Wait if they are real then" Izuku eyes widen and he looks at Lucy "Then does that mean Dragons exists?"

"Yep" Lucy grinned

"Oh my God" the students gasps. Todoroki and Bakugo eyes widen

"What's wrong? What are Dragons?" Toshinori asks

"They are extremely Powerful magical dragons. They are like a heavenly being on that Universe. They are huge. Taller that the tallest building in the world and they are extremely long and wide" Lucy told them

"They also have wings" Izuku spoke up "Huge wings. A swing from their wings can make the ocean divide. And they breath fire. Extremely hot fire. One wave of their flames can melt a whole city" Izuku told them

"That's.." Toshinori said

"Crazy" Aizawa completed

"And extremely dangerous" Endeavor said

"So those Dragons are bad in this Universe?" Tomura asks

"Well I can't say. Let's continue watching" Lucy told them

"This is extremely beautiful!" Izumi said as she looks left and right in anticipation. She was about to run off when Dabi held her collar and pull her along.

"Come on we have to find an inn"

"Oh Pooh" Izumi pouted

The four of them look around for inns but they were all taken until the last one.

"Ah finally" Toga said as she and Izuku entered her room.

"Toga can we go sight seeing?" Izumi asks as she sits on the bed

"Dabi said we have to wait for him to come tell us if we can go out or not" Toga said as she drops Waddles on the bed and she starts getting undressed.

"Oh~" Mineta and Kaminari eyes shows love as they drool

"No looking!" Jirou said as she and Asui covered their eyes. Asui covered Mineta eyes while Jirou,Kaminari

"Oh Come on~" Mineta and Kaminari said as they tried to remove their hands from their eyes.

The students and the men looks away

"Hmm you look good naked" Dabi said as she smirks at Toga in the screen

Toga blushes and she slaps Dabi "Stop looking!!!" She screech

"Jeez,did you have to slap me like that" Dabi said rubbing his cheeks as he looks at Toga

"Stop looking at other me naked!" Toga blushes as she yells

"Don't worry,she's already wearing clothes" Dabi said as he turned to the screen

Toga looks at the screen and she calms down

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