He was dressed in blue, a stark contrast to his usual red. It was a gorgeous robins egg blue, making his pale skin gleam and turn practically translucent in the bright light streaming in from the windows. His pants were fitted, tailored perfectly and making every angle he had the much curvier. His top was white, and showed miles of milky skin and delicate shoulders. But the real showstopper was his robes.

Blue so light it was almost white graced his shoulders and floated in gauzy waves to the ground, swirling around him. It was gathered at his wrists in what appeared to be cuffs of solid diamond, while a simple iron circlet with a single, dark sapphire studded into it nestled atop his ebony hair. His chestnut eyes sparkled with intelligence and elegance. He spread to be floating, he was so ethereal.

Clay had never seen someone so perfect before, the sight of George almost bringing tears to his eyes. Because though George seemed to be perfect, the sight of him brought back all the pain and heartache Clay had felt the previous night and almost made him sick.

Turning so George wouldn't see, Clay busied himself with preparing his Strider, a pretty mare called Mystique, and swung a leg over. The sight of his pant leg brought him to a painful realization; he and George matched. Where George was an ethereal, pale beauty, Clay was hardened and sleek.

Dressed in blue so deep it was practically black, Clay looked like the swirling depths of the ocean. His shirt had a wide neckline which showed jutting clavicles and stuck to his abs, and was made of a deep inky blue. His pants were the same color, and tailored to his fit, and on his back sat a billowing trench coat which glittered like sea foam on the vast expanse of the ocean. In fact, thin threads the exact shade of George's robes had been woven in with the sapphire color that Clay was wearing.

Netherite rings adorned every finger, and a simple necklace made of an iron chain wrapped around his neck. His golden hair was an unruly mess as usual, but somehow managed to make him look rugged and mysterious. It was his favorite outfit he had ever worn.

"Dream!" The voice hissed again. Though Clay desperately wanted to turn, he remained with his back to the Prince, breathing a sigh of relief when the fanfare to start the procession sounded. George had no choice but to ride ahead, Clay following behind.

The short ride to the Portal was uneventful: peaceful, even, and Clay finally had time to admire the exquisite scenery surrounding him. All too soon, it ended, and he jumped off his Strider's back. Giving her a snack of warped fungi and a pat on the muzzle, Clay strode up to the Portal to where George was waiting.

"Dream, please just listen to me. I- "

"Sorry, Prince Georgios, but I don't think we should be talking." Clay interrupted, casting an icy glare in George's way.

"Please, Dream. You don't understand, I didn't - "

"Your highness, I'd prefer if you didn't talk to me anymore. That's what your father said, right? Like sticks to like?" Clay sneered at George, shooing away the wrench of his heart when he saw George's face fall and lip start to tremble before he bit it and tried to school his face into a mask of indifference.

At the next signal from the Royal trumpeters, Clay and George stepped into the portal, the first ones to go through per tradition. Just as they stepped in, however, screams broke out.

"Ghast! Loose Ghast!" came a loud cry from a man fitted in armor and brandishing a mean looking crossbow. Ghasts - the fabled creature of nightmares used only in the Nether for warfare. The Ghasts' destructiveness, bloodlust and sheer danger had made the Nether Army kill almost the entire species, leaving only a few to be bred for warfare.

Amid more screaming, a fireball crashed to the ground only a few feet away from the Portal. Though soldiers surround it, aiming with bows and repeatedly shooting it, the Ghost refused to stop wrecking carnage and shot more fireballs at the scattering procession. Clay and George stood frozen in the Portal, the influences too strong to break away from. It was almost comical, the way time slowed down as the Ghast turned and saw the Portal.

Just as Clay and George were about to be whisked away by the Portal's magic, the Ghast loosed one last fireball. It streaked through the air like a comet, straight towards the boys. At the very last second, it hit the edge of the Portal and destroying it and any connection it had to a certain place in the Overworld.

But alas, it was too late - George and Clay were pulled through the broken Portal, spinning madly as it tried to find another place to let them go. They clung onto each other for dear life and they were shaken, pushed and crashed into the sides of the Portal. The nauseating vortex was worse by tenfold, Clay glad he had elected to skip breakfast that morning or it would've been coming up again.

The violet light grew blinding, George loosing all sense of direction but Clay, clinging onto him with his nails sinking into Clay's back like a drowning person would grab a raft, and Clay to him. As soon as it had started, however, it stopped, the Portal's magic spitting Clay and George back into the Overworld. But not into the Portal room - the boys landed heavily in the middle of a meadow with no village in sight. Alone, lost in the Overworld.

. . .

thank you so much for 1k reads! it means the world to me. ill be uploading today and tomorrow as a special thank you :)) remember to vote and comment!

have an incredible day, you deserve it.

xo, minecraft idiot

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