Chapter 1

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Clay jumped and groggily sat up in bed, picking the bag off of his chest that had just been tossed at him.
"Seriously, Darryl?" He groaned, rubbing his chest.
"Sorry Clay"

The figure silhouetted in the doorway sidled into the room and sat on the edge of the bed. "I got you a present though!" he smiled, pushing the bag back onto Clay's chest.

Clay apprehensively pulled the drawstrings. Nestled inside the soft linen were a bounty of lemon poppyseed muffins, fragrant and plump.

"Muffins for my favourite muffin!"
Darryl grinned, bouncing like a puppy. "For the journey tomorrow, you know. I figured you'd get hungry!"

"Thanks, man. Shit, I can't believe that I'm leaving tomorrow..." Clay got up and rustled through his clothes, slipping on a deep green pullover. "It's so surreal - i've never been further than that old pillager outpost past the lake."

"You and me both" Darryl said, joining him in the kitchen and sliding into a seat. Clay smiled fondly, reminiscing of the childhood he and Darryl had shared. They had bonded over exploring, and had spent hazy summers diving to the bottom of the nearby lakes and running rampant in the vast meadows.

Every season, every day there was something for the two little boys to find and play. Skating in the winter, hide and seek among the forest of vibrant birch trees in the autumn, and sneaking luscious fruit from the spring crops. No wonder Darryl and he were such good friends.

Clay snapped out of his memories and continued to slice a loaf of hearty bread. Bringing it to the table along with cheese and a pot of honey, Clay sat.
"I wonder what it'll be like, you know. Down there." Darryl said, munching on the snacks.

"I have absolutely no clue. I expect it to be hot, and extravagant. I mean, you know all the rumours."Clay mused. The Nether Realm was said to be a place of lavish beauty, the main palace surrounded by vast forests, lakes of lava and grand plains and ledges of a stone only found in the Nether.

However, it was a cruel and fiercely loyal place, who had such etiquette and traditions that were closely followed. And their most prominent tradition was the Tithe.

In ages before, the Nether had ruled the Overworld. Their Empress at the time had ruled as a tyrant, starving her people to pay for her extravagant parties and using humans from the Overworld as slaves.

The Overworld Elders from each village had gathered with Empress Cortana's niece in a last attempt to overthrow her. The niece, Princess Collinow, had agreed on one condition: the Overworld and Nether remain separate except once a year, when the Overworld sends one representative to present a small Tithe to the Nether Realm.

They had readily agreed, and a thousand years later the Tithe still stood. Once one reached the age of 20, they would be placed into a poll, to be a representative. And this year, it was Clay.

"Who hasn't heard the rumours? It sounds creepy as flip to me. I mean, Soul Sand Valleys? They say that you can hear tortured souls of the past trapped in the sand, and if you walk over it they slowly suck your soul from you, until you're just a mindless shell and get dragged into the sand by the Undead." Darryl and Clay shuddered, feeling shivers lick down their spine.

Clay checked the time and hopped up from the table, yanking on his hide boots, soft from years of use. "Listen, Darry, I have to run. I need to pick up my new clothes and sword from the blacksmith's, then go to the market..." Clay pushed a hand through his hair, grabbing a bag.

"Ok! I can clean up here" Darryl chirped, waving goodbye to the figure dashing out the door.

Clay pulled the front door closed behind him and trotted down the packed earth path, nearing the village from his small, dilapidated cottage.

Work needed to be done all over - the honeysuckle and vines had covered the windows almost completely, only allowing dingy light to peek through. His garden was wild, tall shrubs and grass almost overtaking the path through the seeming endless maze of plants.

He took in the view, so perfect it was almost sickening. Fat clouds trailed through the sky, a warm breeze fluffed the small plants lining the village streets, and the sun shone off of the small pond at the end of Clay's garden. Clay unlatched his gate, and paced down main street.

It was a shame he was in a rush, Clay thought, as he smelled fresh bread wafting from the bakery and groaned. He'd have to stop by later. The bells hung on the solid wooden door of the tailors jingled merrily as Clay walked in to be immediately greeted by the Village Elders.

"Clay, a pleasure for you to join us, even this late." remarked Elder Merrin pointedly. "We've set out a selection of clothes made for your measurements. While you're trying them on, we must inform you of some of the customs in the Nether."

The other Elders nodded their agreement, one handing Clay a knapsack full of clothes and nudging him behind a changing screen. "Just try on the top one, and the rest will fit." Clay poked his head out to nod and withdrew again to pull off his clothes.

The first outfit were the finest clothes Clay had ever touched, made of a slippery silk that glided over his chest. The deep blue tunic fell just past his hips, embroidered with curlicues and mighty serpents in bloodred thread around the hem.

The leggings were lined with sheep's wool, soft enough to sleep in. And the - "It would be wise, boy, to stop wallowing in your own vanity and listen to what we have to say" barked Elder Merrin, rapping on the screen and breaking Clay's thoughts.

"Now, this year is more important than ever. The crown prince has come of age, and will make his debut to the Nether. This means the galas, balls, banquets, and secrets will be doubled in quantity and quality. Everyone wants a chance to marry the Prince - and since you will be with the Prince most of the time, they will be out to get you. To protect yourself, you must choose a new name - this means any witchcraft will be void against you."

Clay gaped, emerging from behind the screen. "What? W-witchcraft? A new name?" I am so not prepared for this." He groaned, slumping into his chair.

"I know it's overwhelming, but it has been like this. We must save face and brave it." Elder Hagin said, rubbing his shoulder. Clay smiled, it not quite reaching his eyes. As scared as he was, he knew he had no other choice.

"Dream" he blurted. "That'll be my new name." Clay said, shaking the trembles from his voice and ending it firmly, rising from the chair and grabbing the knapsack.

Elder Merrin frowned and handed him his sword. "The blacksmith sent this. Now go, it's late and you must rest for tomorrow."

More time than he had thought had passed, and the sun had sunk below the horizon, cloaking the village in darkness. Clay thanked the Elders, changed into his clothes and turned to leave.

Just as he stepped out of the door, he heard his name being called.
"Clay?" Elder Merrin said, scowling and stepping into the watery light casted from a nearby torch. "You have the entire Overworld on your shoulders. Don't make us look foolish."

The door banged shut, but not before Clay heard the bells hanging from it. They sounded more like death tolls to him.


First chapter eeEEeEe!  ()*:・゚
Have a great day, you deserve it!
xo, minecraft idiot <3

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