"ah ah ah Taehyung what do we say?" Namjoon said

The boy looked at him confused he didn't knew what the man was telling him, so he came closer to the little boy and whispered at his ear "please"

After that he quickly said "m-more please"

They both giggled at how adorable he was
"Here baby say 'ah' " Jin said and feeded again the little

Taehyung blushed and opened his mouth

20 minutes passed by the two adults completed his little by how his drawings were and feeding him strawberries until..

"What are you now drawing baby boy?" Namjoon asked

Taehyung didn't respond he just squirmed at his spot
"Does baby Tae want to go potty?" Jin asked with a worried look

He shook his head no

"Are you sure baby?"

"Yes" He said and tried to ingron the
urge to pee and focus on his drawing

After a few minutes the urge became stronger he couldn't hold it anymore and he started peeing some tears slowly fell from his face, the two man noticed it

Namjoon took him in his arms

"Oh what is it baby boy?what made u so upset?"

The boy didn't replay he just kept crying at the man's chest but Namjoon understood why his baby was so upset when he touched his butt and felt how warm it was

"Oh baby Appa will wipe you okay?" He said and Jin stood up

He picked up the boy and started rocking him

"Oh baby it's okay Appa is just gonna change your nappy while I'm running a nice warm bubble bath for you how does that sounds?" He said in his sweetest voice

Taehyung looked at him with wide red puffy eyes from crying


"Yes baby bath me and appa don't want to have you dirty do we?, and of course tomorrow we are going to have some guests we can't be dirty when they will come" He again said with his angelic voice

Taehyung couldn't believe into his eyes a bath?! Okay they have seen his prevent aria but he couldn't stand this

So he did...

"Fucking No!"

Both men had a disappointed and sad look

Namjoon stood up and took him from his husband
"Little man we do not curse in this house if I hear you curse one more time I'm sorry but I will have to punish you" he said in a soft but serious voice

Both men made their way upstairs with the boy squirming in the man's hold with some tears felling from his face

Seokjin made his way to the bathroom while Namjoon at Taehyung's nursery

The boy felt himself into something soft he then realized that the man was starting to unbutton his onesie

"Fucking No! STOP!" he yelled at him

The man looked at him with a dark look that made the boy feel so small and weak until the man spoke

"Kim Taehyung I told you about cursing and what you did? You said a bad word and yelled at me, what we had say about yelling at people little man hmm?" He said really serious and angry

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