Meeting them, a second chance at life.

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Toad was lying on the ground fatally wounded and to near death. His former peerage betrayed him and left him for dead. He was about to die until his body was discovered by the red dragon emperor.

Issei: is that a person?

He ran to the body and checked to see if he has a pulse.

Issei: good, he's still alive. But I'd better take him to Rias so she can heal him.

As he took Toad to the ORC, Issei was stopped by Asia.

Asia: hey Issei! So who's that?
Issei: not sure. But he's been gravely injured so I'm taking him to Rias so she can heal him.
Rias: Issei. Who is that you brought?
Issei: don't know. But please heal him Rias. He's about to die!
Rias: I'll do what I can.
????: in the meantime, I will explain his situation.
Rias: was that his sacred gear?
????: greetings Rias Gremory. I am Igneel, the flame dragon emperor, the twin brother of Ddraig.
Issei: hold on, you're Ddraig's brother?
Ddraig: brother? It's been quite some time since I last saw you.
Igneel: that it has. Now on with the explanation. Toad was once in a part of a peerage led by Natsu Dragneel. But unfortunately he was betrayed by them even by the woman he once loved, a knight named Erza Scarlet.
Issei: and let me guess, she cheated on him?
Igneel: yes, by one of the other pawns named Jellal.

When the ORC heard that, Issei and Kiba was furious while the girls were on the verge of tears.

Issei: *enraged* how dare they? When I find them, I'll kill them! He doesn't deserve to be treated like that!
Kiba: so what's his name?
Igneel: my partner's name is Toad Skywalker.
Issei: Rias give him 4 of my pawn pieces and make him a part of our peerage.
Rias: good idea Issei. Besides, I can't just leave him behind. He deserves a better life and we'll give it to him.

2nd chances are always better (loving dxd harem x betrayed male oc) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant