chapter 2

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muah: uh okay i brushed my teeth and thought oh let me eat some brownie hershey shit istg horrible mistake i can still taste the toothpaste anyways enjoy 🔪
*takes break to eat more brownie*
i had a two hour break anyways i'm back!

On the way to her house we are just holding hands and singing at the top of our lungs.
You ever love somebody so much you can barely breathe, when you're with them, you meet and neither one of you, even know what hit 'em. Got that warm fuzzy feeling, yeah them chills, used to get 'em.
Lexa turns off the radio and gets out the car.

"Hey I was singing that!"

"Yeah and horribly so, babe you should switch choir to athletics with me." she said.

"Lexa you've never heard me sing for real before and I really love it."

"Well does it matter? As long as we get another class together." I was not going to change my class for her even thought I loved her, "No. It does matter because singing is my passion besides art. I'm staying in. You know what I think I'll have Bellamy come pick me up."

"Oh my gosh! Bellamy! Bellamy! Bellamy! Is he your answer to everything?! Gosh Clarke you act like you guys are dating more than we do. We are supposed to be hanging out and here you are trying to run back to your secret boyfriend!!"

It took me a minute to respond back but I did. "Are you actually serious Lexa? He is my best friend nothing more nothing less. I've known him for majority of my life. We have known each other for less than two years. Lexa I love you but not just you. Yes your the only one I love in a romantic way but you need to stop acting like a jealous freak because there is nothing to be jealous of! And you know why i'm about to leave?" she doesn't respond, "Well do you?!"

"No." she says quietly that I can barely hear her.

"You insulted me.. You hurt my feelings. Saying I can't sing when I love it so much.. Bellamy he doesn't do that, he actually sings with me! He doesn't make fun of me for it or think it's a joke. Oh and also you do realize I came here instead of going to his house?" I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I turn to walk away but she grabs my wrist, "Clarke.. I'm so sorry I-"

"Stop it Lexa. Don't touch me, every single time we have fought it has been over him. I'm tired of it so i'm just going to walk home and I'll talk to you later when you calm down." and with that I walk away without turning back.

It takes me about thirty minutes to get to my street. I'm walking past the Blakes and hear music blasted and just smile. Glad at least some of my friends are having a good time. Tears start to form in my eyes and I have no idea why.. I'm about two houses away from my house when I feel someone grab my arm and turn me around. Bellamy. I stare at him while he looks at me with concern and then I remember I was just crying. I wipe away my tears and put on a smile.

"Hey Bellamy! What are you doing outside?"

"I could ask you the same question. Clarke are you okay?" I know he won't fall for it but I have to give it a try, "Yeah i'm totally fine. I just saw a.. puppy get hit by a car. Saddest thing about my day honestly."

"Uh yeah okay." Really? That's it? An okay?

"Are you okay?" I ask, "Perfectly fine Clarkey!"

"Clarkey? Jasper and Monty are over, are you drunk?"

"No.. I'm not drunk, then I wouldn't have been able to come over here. I'm just slightly buzzed is all. Plus you know I act wayy more crazy drunk."

"Yes I do. And I told you don't ever drink without me there!" I smack him on his chest, "Fine yeah yeah. Well don't worry because Miller is throwing a party on Friday."

"Friday? That's like in two days.."

"Your point? Your coming and your coming to have a fun time, not babysit." I laugh, "When do I not have fun when your around?"

"Your not wrong. Anyways I better get back before Echo gets mad haha. I love youu!" he gives me a kiss on the cheek and runs away.

"I- I love you too.." he is too far away to hear me. Echo? I thought he hated her for how she treated me and Octavia. Guess he really is drunk. I'll just have to talk to him about it tomorrow when he isn't influenced by alcohol.

I'm finally in my bed. I take off my shoes and go under the covers. I'm too lazy to change out of my clothes. Ding.

New Message from Lexa 💋

Lexa 💋: Are you at home already?
Me: Just got into bed. Are you still mad?
Lexa 💋: Of course i'm not. I was never mad at you. Sometimes my subconscious comes out. Meaning I had absolutely no idea I was thinking that.
Me: Yeah okay. I think i'm going to sleep now.
Lexa 💋: You know I love you right? Because I do love you. And that I can't wait to get married one day and start a family?
Me: I know and I love you too.
Lexa 💋: Can I pick you up in the morning?

Im not even going to answer her. She knows Bellamy takes me to school. She shouldn't be pushing it. Once I finally put my phone down I instantly fall asleep. Not for long anyway.

muah: i was going to continue but i don't remember to where oops. i'm going to pretend i didn't take a 7 day break... i'm actually going to write the new chapter right now but i don't know when i'm going to publish it.. if i finish it right now then i will. also i start school on tuesday so i'm still going to write i'll probably dedicate some afternoons after school to writing rather than editing so i can be putting up new chapters!

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