A present

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Hey I know you won't get this for another few days but I hope

you have a safe flight :)

I've been talking to Ryan a lot since the halloween party, turns out he isn't nearly as nasty as his sister. He travels for the holidays so contact has stopped because of lack of cell service but I want to have a nice message to come back to.

I should send something similar to Troy to wish him a safe drive back from the ski lodge but I don't think I am quiet up to hearing about his conquests today.

Zeke and Jason are practically the only other people who stay in town for winter break, but at least that means I got to kick ass at Mario Kart. It only gets a little chilly so I've been able to work on free throws, but all in all I am bored.

I am, though I will deny it if asked, excited for school to start again. I miss my friends and basketball practice.

Thank you! I actually flew back early to get a real

vacation of being alone for a day or two :D

Oh. I shouldn't care one way or the other. There's no obligation for him to tell me that he's back. I can't help wondering how long he's been back though, it stings a little to think he didn't let me know.


I have a gift for you actually.

A gift?

Yeah. I can drop it off if you want.

Yeah sure. I didn't get you anything though.

No worries, I'll be there in a few.

Ryan got me a gift? Ryan got me a gift. Why would he have gotten me a gift? Should I have gotten him a gift? I should have, huh? I would say we are friends, friends get friends gifts. Why didn't I think to get him a gift?

The knock on the door pulls me out of my own head.

"That was quick," I say, opening the door to Ryan holding a wrapped box.

"Not much traffic, turns twenty minutes in ten," he hands me the box and we stand there awkwardly for a moment.

"Do you want to come in?" I step out of the doorway to make room for him to come through.

"Oh, uh, sure, am I okay parked on the street?" He looks out at his car.

"Yeah, totally, even if not we can see it from my window." I point towards the wide window in the living room. It's only view is the street.

"Okay." he nods and steps into the entryway, "but only because I want to see you open it."

We sit in the living room, Ryan right on the edge of the couch and me in the recliner.

His smile makes me feel more at ease, he seems excited. I start pulling off the wrapping paper and know immediately by the box,"A basketball?"

"Yeah, I know you carry one, like, everywhere and it looks so old and grey. Now you have one that you can be sure won't pop when you bounce it." He looks embarrassed, or maybe worried that he insulted my ball.

"Thank you." I don't think I could have picked something out for him that would be as fitting. "Really."

He smiles like a little kid, clearly proud of himself.

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