The Blog

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"Hey Ryan?" Sharpay stands in my doorway, like always having opened my door without knocking.

"What's up?" She doesn't look like herself, in baggy pyjamas and her hair still wet from her shower, she normally puts it into braids because air drying makes it too frizzy. Wait is she crying? Sharpay doesn't cry, at least not genuinely.

I stand up and head over to the door to give her a hug and she buries herself against my shoulder.

"Shar what is going on with you?"

"I'm sorry," she says without even looking up. We walk over to the bed and I hand her a pillow to take my place in the hug.

"Sorry for what? Seriously you have me kinda freaked," I take a seat cross legged on the ground in front of her.

"I'm sorry for being such a horrible sister," She uses her middle finger to try and wipe away a tear before it can fall. "I'm sorry that I treat you so terribly. I don't have any clue why you put up with me" she clutches the pillow against her chest and I just look at her.

"Where is this coming fr-'' she juts her phone out at me, it's got someone's blog it's hard to read much of anything with Sharpay's hands shaking but the title in all caps reads THE DRAMA BITCH. "How can you be sure this is even about you?"

"Unless you know any other twins with a Fabulus plate, named their dog Boi, and has the initials S.E. then this is about me," she huffs setting her phone down on my bed.

"So you get a hater, and your first thought is to come to me to say sorry? Shouldn't we be toasting to the fact you are living rent free in this losers head? How did you even find a rando's blog post anyway?" despite seeming like the exact type who would search her own name it's not her m.o.

"I was trying to do some research on the mathlete we sometimes see using the gym to practice dance."

"Oh yeah, I didn't know we had her name yet. Wait, are you saying this is her blog?" I can feel my face getting warm with anger. What right does anyone have to make his sister cry, especially some nerdcore reject.

"I don't know, probably, I can't be sure. Who wrote it doesn't matter, what they wrote does." she hands me the phone to scan the post and I see what has her so upset.

"Her brain must be made of the same ice her heart is with her current plan, attending basketball games with signs and entirely too loud cheers for the captain. Suddenly drama divas love sports? Sure. Worst of all she drags her brother with her to cheer and then spy on what the players say after the games. I've heard how those jocks talk, seems like she cares more about her social status than her own twin being the victim of a potential hate crime if they catch him. " I'm not sure why I'm reading out loud but my stomach sinks slightly. Not only is most of this untrue the reminder of what jocks think about people like me was upsetting at best. I set the phone down and run a hand through my hair to try and think of something to say to make Sharpay feel better.

"I'm so sorry, Ry, I didn't think, I should have thought, I didn't know, I'm sorry." My safety has always been her one true weakness. Sharpay would start a fight if a person so much as looked at me too aggressively. I can't imagine how much it hurts her to think she may have led me directly into danger.

"Okay several things, they clearly do not know you or me, or anything about our dynamic. Name one time you've asked me to do something that could get me hurt."

"When we were ten and I asked to wear one of my dresses at our birthday party to make Dad mad."

"You thought of that really quick," I side-eye her and wonder how long ago she found the blog if she was already pulling out memories from grade school, "Now, do remember what I said to that?" she finally sets the pillow down next to her and takes a deep breath.

"You said that you would be far too slim for my dresses and that you were offended that I would put you in fuschia when I know you look best in spring tones." She laughs slightly which is good.

"Now can you think of a single thing you have asked me to do that could have gotten me hurt that I didn't come up with some bullshit excuse to get out of?" I laugh too being totally unsure of if she has ever caught exactly how dumb some of those excuses have been.

"No," I can see the wheels turning in her head.

"Exactly, despite the seemingly common belief I am a big boy capable of making my own decisions. I am glad you worried about me. We both know neither of us are perfect siblings but we always try our best for each other right?" I expect her to look at me and say she is a perfect sibling, to straighten up her shoulders and remember she is Sharpay Evans.

"I don't think I do...I don't think I do try my best for you. I get so wrapped up in my own head and my own plans. Do you have any friends other than me, do you think you'll ever get to be truly out, do you know if-"

"Sharpay!" I snap her out of the spiral, "I have never seen you act like this, are sure it's just this article that is bugging you, only this has you the most worked up and introspective you've ever gotten?" she isn't making eye contact with me instead focusing on pulling a thread out of the pillow now laid across her lap.

"What happens when we aren't a team anymore? What happens if we don't get into the same college? We've always been Sharpay and Ryan, the Evans twins." I can hear tears sneak back into her voice and I answer a little too quickly.

"Easy we will call each other every day, you'll call me from Julliard and I'll skip intro calc at U of A to take your call."

"You've thought about this before huh?" she finally looks up at me.

"Yes, now, do you want me to get ice cream or are you still being a weirdo about sugar because of your grand plan to seduce the basketball boy?"

"Ice cream please. You were right my body isn't the issue. I need to seem more approachable, I want to be nicer. Will you teach me how to be nice?"

"Let's just start with the ice cream."

A/N: I promise stuff not about the twins is coming up hang in there, I just really think a lot of how they act depends on the other so I want to establish what I feel their bond is like. Thank you again for reading see you at the next chapter.

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