Oh Yeah?

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Ryan POV

I have no clue how long we've been here, or how long we would have stayed asleep on my couch if Chad's cell phone hadn't rung to wake us up.

"Oh shit," he mumbles quickly answering it. "Hi Mom. Yeah sorry." I sit up off of him. I'd been asleep on Chad Danforth's chest. "Yeah he can give me a ride. I'll be home soon, love you."

"So, uh, can you give me a ride home. If not that's totally cool I can call Troy." He stretches out.

"Yeah it's no big deal. Sorry for making you late." I fidget with my now cold and still full cup and he just waves his hand.

"Nah, I fell asleep too. If I wanted to leave that bad I could have moved you easily." Now he's laughing and I fake surprise.

"Easily? I am a grown man. If I don't want to move I won't." I plant myself firmly against the couch.

"You are a 16 year old little bird boy and I could throw you over my shoulder." He stands up directly in front of me.

"Oh yeah?" I taunt him, cause what's he gonna do?

"Yeah!" He leans down head next to my hips and puts one arm behind my back, quickly flipping me onto his shoulder. When he straightens, I am upside down and he is heading toward the door.

"Put me down!" I'm laughing but I am scared. What if he drops me? Why did he actually pick me up?

"Nope, now I have a point to prove." He swings my bedroom door open and walks out into the hallway. "Okay, now I have to try and get down the stairs with you."

"Chad Danforth so help me god if you drop me down these stairs." I don't kick or struggle at risk of dooming us both.

"You're right," and he spins us back towards my room. He walks in then throws me from over his shoulder down on to my bed. I take a couple deep breaths before we both burst out laughing.

"If you ever do anything like that to me again I am calling your mother," I put my hands over my face.

"You dared me, I had to!" He pleads from his now seat on the floor next to my bed.

"I did not!" I sit up so I can look him in the face.

"Oh yeah?" He says clearly mocking my voice. "That was a challenge, and you know it."

"Sure." I roll my eyes. He's right, but I didn't think he'd actually follow through

I'm Just DancingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora