Another Knight

Depuis le début

Mina just sit there.' Then why did he tell me truth early. If i know it, i will change for him. But as they already over, all memorize was all trash.'

She then out from cafe and its 9p.m. Its still night and Mina think its better walk at park. While she was walking, rain drowning heavily. She then cried cover her tears with rainwaters.

'Was i not enough for him? I do all for him and i get nothing. I take care his feeling but he never care about mine.

She walk like a no purpose in life. She then realize that she walk to the unknown place. The road was quite without any car driving.

She began to scared and try to remember where she have to go. But then she saw two men walking together drunk.

"Hey sweetie.... what are you doing here?~"

"Yeah wanna join us? Or we can play together tonight~"

They laugh and walk near her. She back up and scream for help.

"Hey hey why you scream out of sudden? Scared? Such a cute girl."

One of them hold her hand and she was struggling to get rid herself.

"Hey!!! What are you doing?!!"

They all look at the back, it was a guy who driving near just to return home from work

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They all look at the back, it was a guy who driving near just to return home from work. Suddenly he saw two men and a girl who seem like scared. So he stop and try save her.

"Just wanna play with her. Why? Wanna join?"

"Release her, now."

"For what? You know her?"

"Yes. She is my fiancee."

"Wow..... well then okay. Its lucky you are her fiancee. If not, we already make fun with tonight."

Then the guy take her hand and take her to his car.

Before they go in, they turn back to see the two men already go. She then knelt down and saying thanks for many time while crying.

"Thank you. I font what to say but really thank you for saving me. What i can for you? Anything. Just said it. I will do anything to repay your kindness. Please thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you."

"Hey hey. Get up. Its okay. Let me take you home first."

They go in and a guy gave her tissue to wipe her tears. Mina try to stop her sobbing and show him direction to her home.

After they arrive, Mina began to speak but get interrupt.

"I know what you gonna say. Its okay. Its relieve that you are safe now. Also your home is nearly my home. Neverthought your home is apartment too."

She then give her hand to shake and introduce her name.

"I'm Mina. I work as ballet dancer."

"Wow cool! I'm Wonwoo. I work as bussiness man."

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