Real Horcruxes

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   So this is a really short theory and in my opinion it's a bunch of crap but I figured I would share it....

   So basically there is a rumor going around tumblr that J.K Rowling (The writer of the EPIC book series, Harry Potter) Put seven real Horcruxes into each of her seven books so that her souls could live on forever... Theoretically, it makes sense because she actually is a wicken,believe it or not. (Yes, magic is real, it's just not as happy as she makes it out to be in her beloved books and movies) and also, in the books Voldemort makes seven Horcruxes and there are seven books...

I love Harry Potter so much but to be honest I'm not too fond of the fundamentals that it originates from because as I said earlier, magic is real, but it's just dark magic and it's just really different... Either way I think this theory is stupid because while yes, you can do some forms of magic, I highly doubt that making Horcruxes is one of them... also that would mean that J.K Rowling would have had to kill SEVEN people, and while yes, she does do some creepy stuff, I DONT believe that she would have killed people... just saying...

Sorry. I was somewhat negative in this chapter... people are just stupid and this theory is just a mean rumor.

See Ya, Love Lala #PotterHeadsForever

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