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Aidan's P.O.V
_Kitchen_ 9:15p.m
Aidan: Hey Siena, I thought you were on a date.
Siena: Change of plans, Dylan found out I've been lying to him, Benji saw him kiss me, Brec saw us while kissing and caused everything but it's still my fault for even talking to Dylan.
Aidan: Yeah, I guess.
Siena: Can I ask you something?
Aidan: Yeah, anything
Siena: How do you and Maddie just work?
Aidan: See, I and Maddie are a totally different case. She's complicated, I'm complicated, that's how we work but generally if you like him and he doesn't, then move on, but I don't think lying about your age was best, well option.
Siena: Yeah, I guess.
Aidan: And honestly, I'm not supposed to tell you this but he likes you back, not Dylan, Benji.
Siena: Woah! I can't believe I messed it up.
Aidan: Hey, everything happens for a reason. No matter how tough it is.

Brea's P.O.V
Brea: *using her phone*
Benji: *walks in* Hey...you asked me to see you here
Brea: Look, according to what I've heard you used to be a prince *drops her phone in her pocket* and I wasn't there and I don't know how friendly they were being but her, you need to talk to her.
Benji: I am not going back to the desperate stage.
Brea: Why not?
Benji: Cuz I'm over her.
Brea: Really? You're really over the period you called your only real friend?
Benji: She isn't my only real friend. Just a few days ago Aidan and I became really close but I know I've known her longer and stuff but that doesn't change the fact that...
Brea: Dylan kissed her?
Benji: Wait, Dylan kissed her?
Brea: Exactly, she doesn't even like him. She likes you but you don't want to give her chance.
Benji: Cuz I'm pissed.
Brea: I just have one thing to ask you. Do you like her?
Benji: Maybe
Brea: There's no maybe, yes or no?
Benji: I....I like her , yes.
Brea: Then go tell her.
Benji: It's too late... it's over for us *leaves*
Brea: *Brings out her phone*

Yde: General meeting.... BALCONY NOW!
Lancedaelim: Why?
Yde: Operation Sienji
Lizbiz: That's a really good name. Sienji
CreeC: I was kinda thinking Biena
MaddieMooHoo: This is y U aren't allowed to ship anymore.
Kucool: Yup. Not even on dates.
AidanRGallagher: So what's the plan?
RicoSwav: Wait, so we're handling operation Sienji?
MaceC: Yeah dude, keep up.
Jadey: Hey, be nice
Yde: Not the point. Balcony now!

Cree: Ummm, you guys I have some issues right now.
Maddie: We'll deal with those later, We've got to help Siena and Benji.
Brea: It feels so good to meddle and not have others meddle in my business.
Jade: See, that's why we always do do it.
Brea: Look, Benji still likes Siena
Lance: And she obviously still likes him.
Mace: So we've got to help them get together.
Lizzy: You guys, I think we should actually just let them handle this like mature teens.
Rico: Liz...I say this with all forms of respect, stop talking.
Cree: You guys, I have other things going on right now and now is not a good time for me to discuss this.
Lizzy: Look, if you have no time for her then leave.
Cree: That's not what I'm saying.
Lizzy: Sounds like it.
Cree: You know what...I'm done with this stupid crush nonsense and I'm going to end it RIGHT NOW!
Jade: But we....
Cree: I don't care who heard it first cuz I'm solving this on my own!

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