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Lili's P.O.V
_Living Room_
Lili: Ugh, I feel weird doing this and yes I mean apologizing.
Lizzy: Don't feel weird, you're the senior here. All you have to do is say I am sorry and all is forgiven.
Lili: Fine.
Everyone: *walks in*
Lizzy: Here we go *sits*
Lili: Lizzy called you guys here for me 'cause I wanted to say I'm very s......I want to apo...... I can't do this
Lizzy: What, why!?
Lili: 'Cause I'm not over the fact that Rico got me kicked out of the Queens after I helped you guys.
Rico: Hey, you can't pin it on me you pulled the first trigger.
Lili: No I didn't
Rico: Yes you did
Lili: HOW!?
Rico: Easy! You're the one who planned to sabotage us so the whole royalty thing could end.
Lili: Very smart lie 'cause I'm dumb enough to form a group just so I can sabotage?
Mace: It does sound stupid.
Rico: Why are you asking me. Jada's the one that...
Lance: Hold on. Did you just say Jada?
Rico: Yeah, we were dating at the time.
Thomas: Case closed.
Aidan: Turns out your ex girlfriend was a liar far before we began to get along. Figures.
Brea: Rico. You've once again been set up.
Maddie: Obviously she lied to you so you can get Lili kicked out.
Jade: Making it easier for Gennaya to waltz her way into the princesses.
Lili: Well it's true that it's mostly Rico's fault but I can't completely blame you for what actually happened.
Siena: Wait, so I skipped my tutorial just so we can establish the fact that Jada manipulated Rico when he thought he was in control?
Lizzy: Pretty much
Lili: That is absolutely the case
Thomas: What is it?
Cree: Benji's here!
Brea: Okay why are all of you excited about a dorky rapper from out school that none of you have ever talked about till now?
Thomas: Do you not know anything?
Aidan: Yeah, number one he is a fellow ex prince.
Lance: Number two he is one of the coolest amiture rappers of our generation.
Mace: And three, he knows Kel Mitchell (A/N: I'mma just make him a musician here too so it goes with the story line)
Brea: And all if a sudden you guys sound like horrible friends
Jade: How?
Brea: Really? The only reason you people even care that he's in Miami is 'cause you want tickets to see Kel's summer of our lives performance this August.
Cree: Ummm, have you know that isn't the only reason
Siena: Yeah, especially for me, we've been lab partners for a really long time.
Lili: Brea's kind of right about the way you sounded
Rico: I doubt he think that about us
Thomas: And since he doesn't I'm just going to remind him about the tickets
Brea: Wow, unbelievable *leaves*
Lili: Yeah, I'm out *leaves*

Aidan's P.O.V
_Ice Cream Parlour_
Benji: *On call* Hey Riele.....Yh.........I kinda told her you were my girlfriend...........can you? pls......... Deal! Thanks a bunch........ Friday....... Yeah.... *Ends call*
Benji: Aidan?
Aidan: Yes that is my name.
Benji: You almost gave me a heart attack.
Aidan: Then next time make your secret phone calls quietly. Anyway, why were you talking to Riele as if she wasn't your girlfriend. I knew it she isn't your girlfriend!
Benji: Shhh...Listen promise not to tell Siena?
Aidan: Promise.
Benji: I and Siena have been close friends for a really long time, not like you and your squad who keep using me for concert tickets.
Aidan: Hey Benji we don't do that, at least I don't.
Benji: Hey, you guys can stop pretending, I myself know I'm just not part of the group.
Aidan: Okay, so you were never too close to us that doesn't mean you're not a friend to us
Benji: Oh really? What's my favourite colour?
Aidan: Green?
Benji: That's your favourite colour.
Aidan: Oh right
Benji: Favourite hat?
Aidan: How am I supposed to know that?
Benji: All my friends do.
Aidan: Woah, we are bad friends.
Benji: At least you finally realised it. Please don't tell Siena dude.
Aidan: Hey, I may not know you're favourite colour and you're favourite hat but I do know that I actually want us to be friends.
Benji: Thanks dude but just because I sorted this with you doesn't mean I'm cool with your friends. It just doesn't work that way *leaves*

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