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Brec's P.O.V
_Ice Cream Parlour_
Brec: I hate summer.
Dylan: What? How?
Brec: Well, since I've graduated my mum moved a bunch of us to a great University here but one disadvantage.
Dylan: What?
Brec: I'm doing a favour for the guys and...
Dylan: You know you can say no right?
Brec: You don't understand, the university I'm applying still needs one more signature.
Dylan: Child service.
Brec: And the only way Cree's mum will sign it is if I help them out.
Dylan: Oh...two vanilla ice creams. Hey, you could have done it during the session.
Brec: Yeah, but I didn't know I had to.
Dylan: Okay, so do it. I assure you it'll be over before you know it.
Dylan: Thanks. You always know what to say.
Dylan: 'Cuz we're best friends.
Brec: Oh...yeah...right...best friends. *Grabs her ice cream* I'll see you around.
Dylan: Yeah.

Siena's P.O.V
Siena: So what was the point of today?
Brea: It's a couple thing.
Cree: Yep, pick somebody and go somewhere.
Brea and Lance; We're going to the skateboard section.
Siena: Who wants to go with me?
Cree: I and Thomas are going to see a monkey okay keyboard.
Lizzy: I and Mace are buying matching shades.
Aidan and Maddie: We're going to the food court.
Siena: Jade?
Rico: I and Jade are going to see alien...
Jade: No! We're seeing LOVE the musical.
Rico: Love the what!?
Jade: *drags Rico with her*
Siena: See you guys later *walks to Soccer for life store*
????: Hi!
Siena: Oh hi.
????: Are you confused or are you looking for a guy?
Siena: Excuse me?
????: I mean, aren't you looking for a shoe store or something?
Siena: No, I'm not. In fact I'm in the right place thank you very much.
????: Really? You...a soccer store?
Siena: You're telling me that I can't play soccer because I'm a girl?
????: No! I just never have female costumers. Whenever a girl comes here it's either for directions or for...
Siena: A guy. I heard you
????: I'm Dylan.
Siena: Siena.
Dylan: So...wha exactly are you looking for?
Siena: Well, I came here with ten of my friends, 5 guys, 5 girls but since they're all doing this weird couple thing, I left 'cause well, I don't want to be a third wheel.
Dylan: So they ditched you?
Siena: Pretty much yeah.
Dylan: So what was your graduation like?
Siena: My graduation?
Dylan: Aren't you 17?
Siena: No.
Dylan: 16?
Siena: Ummm...yes?
Dylan: Oh I was starting to think you were a freshman but you're just a short sixteen yea old.
Siena: Yeah... sure
Dylan: Cool...we can hang later cuz right now I have a shift so.
Siena: Cool, that's great.
Dylan: You're really pretty, and I guess a great soccer player.
Siena: Thanks....Thanks...... Thanks. *Runs out of the store* No......no......no......and correction sophomore.

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