Episode 18: The Maze of Mist Mountain

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In African Temple,

???: Okay, there's has to be somewhere for getting me to across to the other side.

The treasure hunter looks down to the symbol.

???: Oh...

He looks up but he heard the twinkly sound on the ground where he was standing.

???: Hmm...

He needs to find the way to to get across it.

???: *smile* I got it now. Scan 1!

Dragonis lands in the statue.

???: Go Dragonis!

Dragonis push the walls and the path went up and the treasure hunter found the treasure.

???: Hmph. *grab his car*

He runs through the path and found a treasure.

???: Haha! I finally got ya! The star fragment!

He grabs the star fragment but he's wrong.

???: Huh? Ha! I'm wrong again!

Treasure hunter 1: Hey! Hand out with the treasure now! Right now pal!

???: You guys again! 😓

Treasure hunter 1: You always get to the treasure before we do somewhere! But this time buddy, your ain't leaving with it!

???: It's not my fault if you guys aren't sharp it.

Treasure hunter 1: Enough! If you ever wanna see daylight again, *grab his sword* then be smart. Hand over with the treasure!

???: Oooh scary. Okay, go get it! *throw the treasure*

All: Ahh!

Treasure hunter 1: Grab it!

???: *smirk*

They tread something but the temple starts to collapse.

???: Hey boys! You guys better hurry up if you wanna see daylight ever again! *runs off*

Treasure hunter 1: Hey! Wait out there!

He went out the temple.


???: Now then, if it wasn't here either, *grab his map* where's the next place to look? *sigh* Mist Mountain. The Mountain with no return.

Treasure hunter 1: Hey! You got it first!

Treasure hunter 2: Were right here from your onist!

Treasure hunter 3: Hello?

With Kei and the others,

Kei: Woah! Awesome! The savannahs treasure is far is you can see! There's Zebra!

Maximus: And there's Elephant.

Covey: There's a Giraffes!

Maru: And Warehogs!

Ryan: There's so many of animals.

Lucy: We never went to this place before.

Lync: Pinchy. So how much longer to we get to this Mist Mountain place anyway?

Leon: Not for long you know.

Nile: Were almost there.

PEL: Really?

Maru: The star fragment fell there is that right?

Nile: Yes! As long as the data that you send us from Russia accurate, that's where will be.

Scan2go: Metal fury 4D (A Beyblade and Beywheelz crossover) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora