London Here I Come

Start from the beginning

I came out and sat on the bed. I was thinking how to contact Anjali.
I was looking around the room and saw a telephone in the table next to the bed. I quickly called to my number.

Oh for sure this is my brother's voice.
"Joel its Roo." I said.
"Oh finally. What took you so long to call us. Where are you? Who's number is this? Are you at the airport? Did you already leave? What about your stuffs?
He kept on talking.
"Joel Matthew Morris. Can you be nice to me. I have not had my coffee yet. And how am I supposed to answer so many questions at one time. But first things first. Where is my car?" I asked him.
" Really that is why you called?" He asked.
"No dumbass. My phone, my keys to my car and apartment was with Raghu. Now you have my phone what about my car? And I'm still in the hotel room. I want to get something from my apartment and I need the keys." I told him without stopping.
" Geez relax Roo. I have them and I'll leave right now and wait for you in your apartment so you can come and take whatever you want. Okay. Till you come I'll pack few of your clothes." He said.
"Aww thank you so much biggie b.
Love you." I said
"Love you too and come soon okay." He said and disconnected the call.
I looked up to see Raphael standing their with his arms crossed giving me a who the hell were you saying love you to? I sighed and asked him " Do we have time to go to my apartment and get some stuffs of mine my brother already left to my apartment. He will be waiting." I said
He looked relived about the call.
" You don't need to get anything from your apartment I'll buy you whatever you want." He said.
Not gonna happen. I want my things end of the conversation.
" I want few basic stuffs." I said.
" Like what? Your clothes? cosmetics? Skin care routine?" He asked dramatically.
I glared at him and said " My Laptop, my files and my stupid phone."
He had a ohh expression on him face. " I need them and also my clothes my skin care routine. I don't wear makeup and you don't have to buy me anything." I snapped at him. He looked surprised by my tone.
I sighed and continued " Look I'm an independent woman. I don't want you to buy me stuffs okay." I said.
He came up to me hugged me. My head hit his chest. He kissed my forehead and said " I know I know. I just want to spoil you. I have got you for myself after waiting..." He was cut off by his phone ringing.
Waiting... ? What does that supposed to mean. Does he remember me? I would be the happiest girl in the world if he remembers me. But I don't want to assume anything. I want to hear it from him. Whatever it is I can take it. I was pulled back from my thoughts by him. He pulled he closer. I could smell his after shave face. The smell is so intoxicating. I think I'll get addicted to it. The cool water smell is pulling me towards him. I never wanna let go of him.
" Okay my independent fietsy wife let's go to your apartment first grab your stuffs and then go to the airport. Okay?" He said.
I smiled at him and said " Thank you husband." That made him smile. He kissed my forehead again. With that we grabbed our things and vacated the room.
A car was waiting for us and like a gentleman Raphael opened the door for me. I love it when someone treats me like that. I kissed his cheek and climbed into the car. He smiled and closed the door gently. He did not stop smiling at all. He got into the car sat next to me.
I guided the driver to my apartment.

After a heavy traffic and me cursing about not buying a coffee we finally made it to my apartment. I was about to open the door when Raphael stopped me from opening the door. He grabbed my hands and said " No.. you will not open the door. You will never open doors. Any door for that matter. I will be opening it for you." I smiled at him.
That is the main reason I like the dating system in other countries. In India I have never seen the boyfriends or the husband's opening doors for their girlfriends or wife's. Nor they take them out often. The boyfriend's and girlfriend's are scared of their parents finding out about them and after marriage the couples will be busy. But not ever is scared to be in relationship. Few people are very confident and happy about having a boyfriend. Okay... Nevermind. If I start talking about this,I will very end it. I feel happy and lucky to get a husband like this. And especially when the husband is my dream boy. My Raphael. Did I just say that. Hope it lasts forever.
Raphael opened the door for me and I got out and kissed his cheek. He smiled at me and closed the door.
" Come let's go." I said and dragged him with me. We were waiting for the elevator and Raphael got a call. While he was talking in his phone somebody pulled me aside. I was about to scream but then they covered me mouth. Then we stood behind a wall where nobody can see us. When I turned to see who it was I was surprised. " Anjali!!" I said. " SHHUU.. Not so loud." She said. "How are you? Are you okay?"
I asked her. She had tears in her eyes. " I did so much bad for you and you are still concerned about me. I'm a bad person Sparkle." she said and cried. I hugged her and said " Anju don't cry I'm not mad at you and you did nothing wrong. I'm worried about you. Did you meet Sidharth? What happened? Did your father find you?" I asked her politely. She wiped her tears and said "I got married to him yesterday in a temple." I hugged her and said " Congratulations Anju I'm so happy for you. If you need anything. Anything don't hesitate to ask me okay."
She had a sad face. "I wanted to apologise to you. Just because of me you got married to him. I'm very sorry Sparky. I didn't think it would turn like this." She said.
I smiled at her and said " You did nothing wrong Anju. You have no idea how happy I am. You remember college first year I used to talk about a guy and say I had a crush on him?" I said. "Yeah the unknown. The mysterious Romeo." She said suspiciously.
" Its him Anju. I got married to him." I said hugging her. Anjali was shocked. " What?? Really??" She asked. "Yes Anju so stop apologise you did nothing wrong but the right thing. I'm so happy that you and I are happy finally." I said.
" I'm happy that you are happy Sparky." She said. But there I sadness written all over her face.
" Anju what are you not telling me." I asked her.
She cried and said " My father knows about my marriage Sparky. They arrested Sidharth."
" But how did they know? I mean I was the one who read the letter to everyone because I had to. I didn't mean to. I'm sorry Anju.." I said feeling bad. " No Sparky. Its not because of you. After my marriage I called you from the std. But Raghu picked the call. So I cut the call immediately. Then I called Chole and told her what happened.
But I didn't know that she would tell everything to my dad. Now he is threatening me and he got Sidharth arrested. I don't know what to do Sparky." She said crying. That bitch. First me now Anjali. Why the hell is that bitch causing trouble to everyone. She messed with the wrong person and now it's time for me to show who is the boss.
" Which station is he in?" I asked her. " R T Nagar." She said wiping her tears. Oh I know the inspector. I'm more reputed person. I have so many contacts. " Anjali you go see Sidharth. By the time you reach there he would be out and you can take him home. Don't cry I'm their for you okay." I assured her.
She cried and hugged me. " I don't know what I would do without you Sparky." She said.
I wiped her tears and said " I'm always there for you Anju now go get your guy. And one more this in going to London today. I don't know when I will be coming back. So keep in touch with me okay." I said her. " Take care Sparky I'll miss you. Have a safe journey. I'm so happy that you are finally getting for happily ever after. And I'm happy that I'm the reason behind it." She said. " I'm happy that finally you came out of that cage and flew happily. Now it's your turn to be happy. Tell Sidharth that I asked about him and don't forget if you need anything don't hesitate to call me okay." I said her. We both hugged and I waved her good bye and she left.
I walked back to the elevator where I saw Raphael looking around.
" What are you looking for?" I asked him. He turned towards me. He nearly jumped hearing my voice. " Jesus you scared me." He said and rushed towards me and hugged me. " Sorry I didn't mean to." I said. " I know babe. Now tell me where did you go. I was searching you." He said.
I don't know if this is the right time to talk about Anjali so I lied to him." I went to see if my car was here." I said. He kissed my forehead and said " You should've told me." I hugged him tightly and said "You were busy with your phone. So I didn't want to disturb you." He let me go and cupped my face and said " Next time tell me where ever you go just don't leaving me alone. Nothing is more important to me than you." I couldn't help. I kissed his cheek and said " Okay husband." He smiled at me and said " I love it when you call me that."
I smiled at him and we both got into the elevator.

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