29 Preparations

Começar do início

"Alma – I don't want anyone to experience what you did yesterday, you are an exceptional curator, I can always find a new PA, I can't afford to lose you." Francis had a stern look on his face.

I sat down in the chair across from his desk. "Listen, Francis; she was partly right in what she said. Part of the Madrid visit was to be with Carlos. I know the two of you go back as long as he and I do, and that you wanted to protect me -but you're going too far. I suggest that you call her and ask her to come back to work – and we will all go out Friday evening to a wine-bar or something – or maybe I should invite everyone over for a barbeque in my roof-garden?"

"I opt for the roof-garden Alma – if you can handle it, and yes, I will call her and ask her to come back."

"Thanks, Francis – You're the best" I hug him, and walk back down to Liz – oh my god, it this how it feels being a peace negotiator? Running from room to room?

Liz liked the idea of a barbeque in my roof-garden and was grateful Francis would ask Kelly to come back to work. She would also call Kelly and tell her all about it and how I had been annoyed with Francis, and stood up for her.

 "She would like that," Liz said.

Mick called and told me Steve was good for Friday; I said the whole thing had been moved to our Roof garden. He was not overly thrilled about that idea – but he accepted it. Part one of getting Kelly back and happy seemed to have worked out well.

Now I needed to concentrate on work.

When I cam home Mick had drafted contracts of both our divorce papers and the lease for him and Stuart on my house. Mick suggested that he and Stuart had the third floor exclusively and that they built one of the four bedrooms there onto a study and one into a living area "that way we can have some privacy – and that goes for all of us" He explained. The use of the roof-garden, the kitchen, the formal living- and dining rooms on the second floor and the back yard would be split, but we had to tell each other if we were having parties. I would get the fourth floor with it's four bedrooms as my private area.

I thought the deal was fair and signed. I was getting a divorce, but I still would have my two best friends living with me – a win-win situation – and it was a one year contract, so we could adjust or terminate if things didn't work out. 

Stuart was glowing. He had talked with Columbia about a transfer from Yale. They said that would be pretty unproblematic. Mick also told me he got the job he had applied for at the state Attorney's office; everything seemed picture-perfect.

I spoke with Carlos that evening for a long time. He was happy about the divorce but somewhat reluctant that Mick and Stuart would still live in my house.

"Mi Alma, I love those guys to death – but will it be awkward that we all live together?"

I told him about the plan of splitting the levels, and that his sons would have their rooms when they all came to New York. "Carlos the house is massive, I can't live there alone – and I will be alone most of the time. I have lived with Mick and Stuart for five years; it works great. Besides, it is also a question of splitting costs; maintaining a house in Manhattan is expensive.

"Mi Alma I want to come this weekend, I miss you every moment of the day – I want to celebrate that we are now officially together."

"I'm not sure Carlos, I have a barbeque for my coworkers on Friday, and Mick and I are having our parents for dinner on Sunday telling them about the divorce and that Mick has accepted a job with the NY state attorney's office." I was thinking of the soap opera this weekend would be.

"I will come, Stuart, and I can go out for dinner on Sunday when you and Mick tell your parents, I'm sure you will need us after the fight" he hummed lightly. "Besides, I have a meeting with NYU on Friday – but of course, if you don't want me around, I can always book a hotel room," Carlos said in a mock-hurt tone.

"No!!!! Carlos, of course, you will stay here – I miss you like crazy our skype sex isn't as good as the real thing" Did I just say that?

Carlos burst out in a peal of bellowing laughter "Mi Alma I couldn't agree more, Since you already told Francis, I'll give him a call as well, and tell him I'll be at the barbeque – that way you won't have to hire a chef."

Oh, Carlos, my beautiful, caring, Latin male chauvinist boyfriend, is again taking control of the situation.

I tell Mick and Stuart that Carlos is coming for the weekend and will do the cooking at the barbeque,  and that he would like for him and Stuart to go out Sunday when Mick and I are telling our parents. When I think of it – I'm actually thrilled he's coming, I really need his support – it's going to be a tough weekend.

My Soul - Mi Alma (Ongoing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora