Chapter 26

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Sirius woke with a start, wand in hand at the voice in the hallway. He shook a sleepy Remus Lupin awake as he listened for who it was. The pair of them crept onto the landing, wands in front of them although they could hear the intruder crashing around in the hallway below them.

"Sirius?" A voice called out, gasping and laced with panic. Sirius didn't wait, Remus close behind him as he flew down the stairs to his godson.

"Harry?" He called, his voice desperate. He heard Remus mutter a quiet 'lumos' behind him, casting the scene into light. Harry sagged against the wall, arms barely holding up a familiar blonde who was seemingly unconscious.

"Help him."

"What happened?" Remus stepped forward, taking control as Sirius stood there with his mouth open. As Harry told them the story of that night, Sirius watched Remus cast some spells over the pale body laid on their couch.


"He'll be okay." Remus said soothingly to Harry who had been worrying his bottom lip, the tea going cold on the table behind him. He hadn't left Malfoy's side since he arrived, constantly fidgeting as he watched over him.

"I'm sorry to bother you two. I didn't know where else to go." Harry hung his head. Sirius strode over from where he had been standing in the shadows of the doorway, gathering the small messy haired boy into a hug.

"Never apologise for coming here." He said fiercely. "I'm glad you came to us."

In the quiet room warmed with Remus' heating charms and blazing fire in the fireplace, Harry stayed with Malfoy all night, falling asleep on the floor with his head resting on the bed.


Harry woke with a start. The room was dark, Remus and Sirius asleep upstairs. Movement drew his attention to the boy lying on the couch. Remus had said he would be okay, and he trusted Remus, but he couldn't help but worry. He lifted a hand to smooth the white-blond hair from his face, startling when Draco moved his head just slightly.

"Draco?" The soft murmur filled the room, Harry's voice edged with something he couldn't place. Draco sighed, Harry sucked in a breath. Please be okay Draco. I don't know what I would do without you.

These words ran through his head, a chant, or a promise of some sort. He didn't know what to make of them. I don't know what I would do without you. They repeated as Draco stilled once more, as Harry watched the sun rise from his position on the floor, as Sirius and Remus came back downstairs, not looking much better than Harry.

He didn't notice the way Sirius watched as Remus made coffee for everyone, the expression he wore the same as Harry's when he looked at Draco, minus the worry. The way Remus reached out his hand to Sirius, the way Sirius linked their fingers together and briefly pressed a gentle kiss to his knuckles. The way they sat so close together on the other couch that their sides were pressed up against each other. The way they drew strength and warmth from each other silently.

Remus spoke gently to Harry as he pressed the mug into Harry's cold hand, twirling his wand and creating a glow above Draco's still form, reassuring James' son who seemed so small, smaller than James himself had ever been.

The morning passed quietly. Harry stayed on the floor, Remus and Sirius drifting in and out of the room. He had put his mug down on the table, not able to drink it.

A few hours had passed, both young boys remained where they were when a gust of wind sent the door slamming shut. Harry jumped in fright, his knees knocking against the table where his cold coffee sat as his eyes shot toward the door. The cup tilted, fell. Coffee spilt across the table and dripped onto the carpet. He was on his feet in an instant, searching for a towel to clean it up. He had ruined the carpet all because he was too stupid to put the cup away. His eyes were frightened, his breathing quick. Sirius came in, wand out, alerted by the slamming door.
"Are you okay? What happened?" He asked in a rush, looking around for possible danger.

"No- Sirius it was- the door just slammed and I- I'm sorry I've spilt coffee everywhere, it'll probably stain I'm sorry." Harry was on his hands and knees, trying to capture the dripping coffee with his hands. As Sirius lowered his wand Harry made himself small.

"Harry what- it's fine it was an accident." His forehead creased with worry as Harry flinched at the raising of his wand. He muttered a spell that vanished the coffee, dropping to his knees beside Harry, he opened his arms.


Remus found them there a little while later, walking in just as Draco stirred. Harry squirmed out of Sirius' arms, rushing to take hold of his hand again.

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