Chapter 25

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[A/N - i cannot believe i left you there I AM SO SORRY but now i am back, the story is completed and i will do my best to update EVERY DAY!! also HOW IN THE HECK DID THIS GET 4K VIEWS i aM iN ShOCK im so happy i literally could not stop smiling this afternoon i love you all]

Harry called Draco, the voice on the other end of the line tired and weak, the speech slow and halting as Draco struggled to get enough air into his lungs. Already dressed, Harry grabbed some money and his wand before running out onto the street, holding his wand up for the Knight Bus. With a bang and a flash of lights it appeared. He pushed past Stan, asking to be taken to Malfoy Manor immediately, adding please as an afterthought. They look taken aback but agree, most likely because it's the middle of the night and he has a crazed, desperate look in his eyes. Stan still calls him Neville as he hands over the sickles. Turning away, Harry called Draco again.

"please pick up please please please" he muttered under his breath as he ignored Stan's curious stare. When Draco didn't pick up, he felt his stomach plummet. Calling him again he took several deep breaths, counting the number of rings – 1... 2... 3...

"Harry?" a quiet voice answered.

"What street are you on? Can you see a street sign?" Harry asked urgently.

"I... Harry" he heard a moan.
"Draco. Pay attention. I need you now." Harry demanded, his voice firm and demanding.
"Okay." He whispered. "It's... Aliby." Short breaths travelled through the phone, as Harry told the driver the street.

"Draco? Are you still there?" When there was no answer Harry pressed his lips together, one hand rubbing the side of his trousers. Keeping the phone pressed to his ear, Harry leant over to look out the window.
"Are we nearly there?" He asked, looking up at Stan and the driver.

As the bus came to a halt in front of a street sign Harry jumped out, sprinting up the street, calling Draco's name, slowing only when he reached the end, listening for a reply. Harry rushed to a slumped form lying on the ground, half hidden in the bush. An unconscious Draco lay before him. Harry lifted the pale boy in his arms. Sticking out his wand, he waited. The Knight Bus came, bringing with it a wide-eyed Stan Shunpike. Harry pulled out more sickles, asked to be taken back to Privet Drive.

Harry ran inside. Leaving Draco on the Knight Bus had seemed like the only option, but as Harry crashed around his bedroom collecting the things that had spilled out of his trunk, he could think only of Draco. Hurrying back down the stairs, Harry held up his wand as a warning.

"I'm leaving." He said, leaving a speechless Uncle Vernon on the stairs.


Harry spent the Knight Bus ride with Draco in his lap, trying to get him to respond. He smoothed back his hair, stroking his fingers through the pale strands.

"Draco. Love. Please wake up. Please be okay."

He looked up with a start as the Knight Bus came to a stop. 

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