Chapter 1: Play The Part

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When you first meet Lance McClain all you would see is a goofy, flirty boy,  but there is more to this 17 year old then meats the eye. Lance has learned to put up an act, he has done this since he was a little kid. Lance hides that he is depressed and suicidal. He was unwanted son, not his family would say that but he knows it's the truth. Lance was the three son and last child, he has four siblings. Luis the oldest, Macro the second son, Veronica the first daughter, and then the twins Rachel and Lance. Lance was a surprise, his parents only though that they were having one kid, and this made Lance feel unwanted. It was 5 am when Lance rolled out of bed from a sleepless night, but this was normal for him. He walked into his bathroom to finish cleaning the blood from the night before. He unbanked his arms, everywhere you look you would see cut marks not from a fight but made by him. He got out some more banks and rebanked his arm back up and clean up the last of the blood from the night before and then got dressed. He put on his jeans, blue and white shirt, and finally his jeaket to cover his arms. He took a deep bearth before putting on his fake smile and leaving his room. He walked down the hall and all the way to the kitchen. Everyone was already there, eating there food. "Morning Lance," Hunk said putting food in front of him, he had set down next to Keith as always. He played with is food with his folk, as the other finished and lifted him alone. This was normal and he like it this way because after they lifted he fly out his food in the trash and lifted. He then walked down to the training deck and started to training. "Start level 25," Lance said before two robets ran at him he took them down with three shots. He trained like this for hours. He finally looked down at the time at 1:05 pm. "Oh shit," He said before running to meet the team, they had made a meeting for 1 and he was late. He ran in to see everyone sharing at him. "Your late again Lance. How many time will have to say it for you to get it though that thing you call a brain," Allura yelled at him. He put on his best fake smile and said "Sorry, princess, I was-." "We don't have time for you to make up something Lance. So for once in you life sit down and shut up, god your such a idiot," Allura yelled cutting him off. He did as she said and sit down but not close to the other he was as far from them as he could get and he wasn't listen all he could hear was "idiot" over and over again. "Lance, Lance, LANCE," Allura yelled trying to get his attention. "Huh, what," he said with a fake smile. "Did you hear a word I said?" Allura asked him. "Yeah of course princess," Lance lied. "Alright what did I say," Allura asked him. "I- um," Lance said having no idea. "Your ridiculous Lance, your supposed to be a hero. Yet you dumbest, selfish, most ignoring person in the universe," Allura yelled at him. Lance couldn't hold his fake smile anymore he was even having troulde holding back his tears. "Your right princess, I have to go," Lance said getting up and walking away. "Lance wait," Keith said running after him and grabbing his shoulder as soon as Keith toughed Lance, he jump. "Oh sorry, Allura is just worried. She didn't mean anything she said," Keith said to Lance. Lance knew he was just saying it because he felt bad, Lance had a couple of tears roll down his. Keith heard this and walked over to look Lance in the face. "Woah, bubby, are you okay? Are you um crying?" Keith asked Lance. Lance couldn't let Keith see him crying so he pushed Keith out of the way and ran to his room. If there was one thing this 17th year old boy was good at it was running. He locked the door and walked into the bathroom. All he could think about was "idiot" "dumb" "selfish" "most ignoring person in the universe". His tears were coming down fast now. He grabbed his knife he used to cut himself.


They all watched as Lance run, Keith even yelled "Lance", But he didn't stop. Keith was shock no one has even since Lance cry they never though he could, he was always so happy. Keith looked over to see that everyone was just as shocked. Once Keith got back to nomral he was overwhelmed with anger. "What the hell is wrong with you, Allura. What kind of person would think that isn't okay to say that to someone," Keith yelled at her. "I-" was all Allura said before being cut of by Keith. "I don't have time for this. I have to go make sure Lance is okay," Keith said before running away. He ran to Lance room, he tried to open it but it was locked. "Lance, Lance, come on let me in. I just want to talk," Keith said but all he heard movement. Little did Keith know that Lance was hiding his knife and running to his bed to make it like he was fine. "What do you want, Keith?" Lance asked him. "Why is your door lock?" Keith asked Lance. "Because I want to be alone, god can't a man be alone," Lance said before unlocking the door. Keith walked in and looked around the room seemed nornal. But Keith could tell Lance had been crying. "Lance, what's wrong, and don't try to lie to me. I know that something is wrong just talk to me please," Keith said to Lance. "Look dude, I am fine. I wasn't crying I had something in my eyes," Lance lied. "Don't lie to me," Keith almost yelled. Lance was shocked by how Keith reacted. "I'm sorry, I just want you to talk to me. I want to help you but I can't if I don't know what's wrong," Keith said tears going down his face. "Woah, are thoughts tears," Lance said shocked. Keith wrapped them away and sit down next to Lance. "Please talk to me," Keith said looking into Lance blue eyes. "Alright," Lance said looking at Keith and taking deep breath. 

Yes that chapter, yes I know I'm mean, oops.
       - Zoe

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