"She flirts with him until he's distracted then steals the controller."

"Let's show them how a real couple plays Madden."

"I forget how terrifying you can be sometimes." He rested his forehead against mine smiling. "I love it."

He took my hand and guided me to the living room. He fell into the corner seat of the sectional and held his arm open to me. I fell into place beside him, snuggling closer to him. With his arm wrapping around me, he shifted the controller to settle between us. He kissed my cheek as the timer began ticking down on the screen.

The four letter word from earlier lingered in my brain as we played against Lucas as a team. He was in control during offensive plays and I ruled the defensive plays. Staying focused on the game was becoming more difficult as I searched my memory for that word used differently.

He loved my competitiveness. He loved my stubbornness. He loved so many things about me that I had no idea why he hadn't said those three little words yet. I had never said them to anyone, but I could feel them clawing their way up my throat every time I was with Finn. A part of me felt it was too soon to feel this way. Saying it could scare him away. Not saying it could make me go mad.

We'd known each other for years before we started dating. It wasn't as if we were strangers still learning about each other. He knew every embarrassing thing I'd done since I was ten. Just like I knew each of his. There was still so much more that I wanted to know about him. There was stuff that I wanted to tell him. The confession that was eating me from the inside out for starters.

If I had learned anything the past few months it was that there would be no right time. We tried that when we started seeing each other. We waited until we had talked out all the obstacles and the perks. Then again when we told my brother that we were dating. We had thought that Lucas would be understanding after he and I discussed it. There was also the time he stood up for me when Owen said those awful things. The intentions were good, but it wasn't the time or the place to do it.

"Lainy," Heather cooed after a few more rounds. She waggled her brows at me from her place on Joseph's lap. "I think it's time to go get ready for the party."

"Really," Lucas groaned as my friend slid to her feet. She offered me her hand while giving my brother a look that begged him to challenge her. He threw up his hands in defeat and Shane took advantage of his unprotected side. My brother winced then returned the elbow. Shane chuckled as he blocked it.

"Come on," Heather persisted when I didn't budge from my place. When Finn released his hold on me, I knew I was done for. My best friend hauled me to my feet then dragged my upstairs.

"Why do we have to get ready for another stupid field party?"

"To remind people that you are a girl."

"Because the boobs and feminine features aren't enough? Besides, I've got no one to impress."

"You're one of the guys now, Laine. They have gotten too comfortable with you all suited up and taking charge. You have to remind them that you aren't going to be involved in burping contests and keg stands."

"When was the last time you saw anyone do a keg stand?"

As if we were in my room back at my former home, she headed straight for the closet. There wasn't much there, but knowing how determined she was she'd find something worth the wow factor she wanted. I sat in defeat on my bed as I listened to the hangers sliding back and forth.

"Never, but you little Lester are well on your way to being the first."

"Little Lester? The person you should worry about becoming a part of the boys club is you."

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