Sariel breaks

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"It's been too long,"
Sariel paced the length of the room, grumbling. Raven did their best to follow but quickly gave up.
"You've been saying that for three days," A voice called from the hallway. Sylvan poked his head out from behind the door. "Look dude, we tried everything there's-"
"No way to track them I know!" Sariel snapped, slamming their fists against the nearest object, the dining room table. "I just-" They groaned, "If only I had gotten to him sooner..." Their voice grew softer with each word. The room went silent, Raven staring at the floor, Sylvan awkwardly looking away from the other two. Sariel grumbled, flopping into a chair. "you guys can't act all weird around me forever you know,"
"It's just that..." Raven started, not knowing what to end that sentence with. "well y'know..."
"What?! That I'm some sick animal that you can take pity on?!" The other sneered, the words seething like poison.
"N-no! not at all!" They held their arms up in defence, backing up slightly.
"You can't keep tiptoeing around it Raven!" They yelled, taking a step toward the scared fairy. "My dad is dead! and I could have done something about it!" The words caught in their throat. They blinked rapidly, trying to force the emotions down.
"Sariel calm down, I-" Sylvan took a shaky step forward. He may be older than them but he was a huge coward.
"Oh shut up!" They whipped around to face him. "You have no say in this you ungrateful bastard!" A soft blue glow emanated from their entire body. Their eyes shone bright, almost blindingly so.
"R-riel?" Sylvan lifted a shaky hand, pointing at his eyes. "Y-you're glowing..." Sariel growled in response storming out of the dining hall. The fairies eyes were the size of saucers. His mouth stood ajar, his gaze moving back and forth from Raven to the open doors of the large room.
"Y-you saw that right?!" He gestured to the door. "I'm not crazy they were glowing!" He rubbed his face, sighing loudly. Raven stayed silent, their eyes fixated on the floor.


Sariel slammed the door, staring at the perfect plush room they had. Blue silk bedsheets covered the soft mattress. They couldn't stand the sight of the pristine wardrobe, the dark wood carved with ornate patterns. The young elf stumbled towards a large vanity, staring into their own reflection. Their cheeks were wet with tears, their ashy grey skin still emitting a dying blue glow. Their nails dug into the wood, their jaw clenched tightly.

Screaming and loud banging could be heard as the fairy siblings headed back to their bed chambers. The two of them share a look of concern before dashing towards Sariel's room. Sylvan three the door open, revealing carnage. Sariel's room was in ruins. splintered wood, glass and fabric littered the floor, along with Sariel curled up in the corner, sobbing.

welcome to the angst train mother truckers!!  Buckle up buttercup because it's gonna be a loooong ride!

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