Chapter 6

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Sam trudged down the stairs that afternoon with hopes that today's therapy session would involve less pain. He tried convincing Dean to drop the whole thing, but his older brother wasn't having it.

Dean was also dreading this particular visit. He'd neglected to visit Cas the last few days due to their almost make-out session last time. Although, Dean was unsure if that's what Cas was even going for, or if he was just simply being his regular odd self. Whatever the case, Dean thought about staying in the car but knew he couldn't. He still needed to see Cas for both their benefits. He'd figure the confusing things out later.

They both reluctantly entered the ugly brown building with entirely different feelings weighing in their chests.

"Hey Cas," Dean said awkwardly as he slowly stepped up to their table. Cas politely nodded without looking up. Oh God, Dean thought. Cas hadn't acted that distant since their first couple meetings. He quietly sat down and tried to smile. Cas pushed the red chips for Connect Four toward Dean before starting. They'd only made a few plays when Sam came bursting into the room. He looked extremely agitated and immediately sought out Dean.

"Can we leave?"

"Sam? It's only been like five minutes there's no way you're done."

"I'm not going back in there ever," his tone became authoritative and Dean was not having any of it.

"You're gonna go back in that room and get your shit figured out. Then we can leave."

"No, we're leaving now! I'm not going back in there and nothing you say can make me. So come on."

Dean stood with his big brother face on but stopped when he heard Cas gasp, "Don't like conflict." He fell out of his chair and covered his ears. His body started to shake and he squeezed his eyes shut.

Dean immediately softened and fell next to the boy. "Cas? Hey," he said sweetly. He grabbed Cas' hand and placed it against his chest. "Look at me," he whispered touching his cheek. Cas opened his eyes slowly. They were already brimmed with tears and held antagonizing terror. Dean's heart broke as he placed his hands on Cas' cheeks. "It's okay. No one's arguing anymore. No one's mad." He wiped the tears gently with his thumbs before they could fall down his soft face. Cas covered Dean's hands with his own, smiling sadly. Dean pulled Cas into him and held him there until he stopped shaking. "I'll be back soon, okay? I have some family things to deal with first." Cas nodded as he stood up, brushing his thumb across his own cheek as Dean left.

When Dean arrived at the car he was fuming. However, he wasn't going to say anything until they got to the house. At least he'd hoped.

"Is he okay?" Sam asked as soon as Dean sat down.

"No thanks to you," he grumbled while starting the car. He started backing out from the parking lot when Sam piped,

"Sorry you care more about your crazy boyfriend than you do your own brother."

Dean slammed on the brakes and put the car in park. He turned to Sam with such fury and aggression that he backed into the door. "Don't you ever call him crazy. At least you have a family. How would you have liked it if I dumped your ass straight into foster care after mom and dad died, huh? Cas nearly died in an accident so horrible it messed his head up. His family dumped him in that shit hole because they didn't want to care for him. He was going to be a doctor and now all he can do is play board games and talk about bees. He has no one and you have me. Don't assume just because I want to give someone who has nothing something means that I don't give a shit about you. I visited you every day while you laid in that bed unconscious basically pissing myself with worry because I had no idea what was going on with you. I do my best to take care of you and you can't even appreciate that. You want to talk about boyfriends? Maybe I should call Gabe over and we could have a big coming out party. And don't give me that 'we're just friends' bull shit, I know you Samuel."

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