Chapter 3 | jack

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A couple days later // spring 5, Friday //

I haven't met the new farmer yet.

Mom kept talking about her over dinner, of course I didint listen, her voice just annoyed me too much to care.

Right about now, I was forced outside by Sam, but Sam being the idiot he is, is late.

Now I have to sit outside the saloon like some weirdo.

Honestly.. if he wants to hang out then make an effort and be on time-

"Up we go!"

The familiar voice caught me off guard, causing me to turn to the source immediately.

There she stood.

Olive green overalls, a black belt, white tshirt, black rubber boots, clearly meant for work..

She held a child, raising him over her shoulders as he sat down carefully.

He looked to be about one.


Who's kid is that?

Her eyes locked onto mine, her expression changing immediately.

For a second, the whole world stopped.

Until Abby came out the store, hugging her and the kid, pulling her out of the trance we both were in.

They both entered Pierres and Sam soon caught up to me.

"Jerks, hanging our without inviting me" Sam scoffed.

"What?" I looked over to him.

"Y/n and Abby, they hang out all the time, with Jack of course"


"Y/n's son, shes a single mom you know.. I wonder what happened to make her have a kid so early.."

So.. she had a kid with someone..?

For some reason that left me feeling betrayed.

But for what reason?

"Jack is cool, he reminds me a lot of you though, super anti social, I haven't seen him smile once the entire time he's been here"

"Whatever.. lets just go already"

-time skip // 6:30 pm-

I'm now walking home from Sams, taking the route to the farm as I wanted to see the progress Y/n had made.

That was a mistake as Y/n was sitting on the porch, Jack sitting next to her.

She looked to me as I neared.

"Hey stranger" She smiled at me.

Her arms were no longer covered.

She wore her scars without shame, clearly over the pain.

It seemed there were some other faint scars, left from when I first met her.

On the side of her head and on her lip, making her look real cool.

The same e/c eyes girl from before, was sitting right in front of me.


"It's been a while huh? I swear we agreed we'd probably never meet again"

It was quiet.

The memory of bliss came back to me, the feeling of holding Y/n in my arms, where nobody could touch her..

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