[OG] Chapter 4: The Nightmare Begins

Start from the beginning

Ela: Well it was in the past and I still try to move on from what happened, after all that happened I started to pull pranks and shit off on my sister and she would always make it worse than it seemed, like when I blasted Megadeth out of a speaker I had hidden under the couch and scared the shit out of her and pissed herself, funny thing it was on a white couch so it made it even more funny and that pissed stain was there still last time I saw my dad before he died about 10 years ago

Isaiah and Ela had a good laugh over Zofia having a piss stain on a couch for being scared shitless

Isaiah: Ok now that's funny that there's a piss stain still and you like metal I'm guessing it you sister hates that type of music

Ela: Yeah she absolutely hates Metal but I always loved metal especially Metallica or Megadeth

Isaiah knew there was something special about her since they had a lot in common ever and he got hard for some reason after what she said

Isaiah: Why is there a bulge in my pants

Ela gagged after hearing that and then started laughing about how that came out of nowhere

Ela: That's disgusting why did you have to mention that you głupiec

Isaiah: Don't know the last thing you said you polish girl

Ela: It means a lot of things like fool, stupid, and idiot

Isaiah: Vete a la mierda, perra sexy

Ela: What did you just call me

A Spanish man comes up to us and says the following

???: Hey Ela the guy told you to this, Fuck you, you sexy bitch, literally

Isaiah turns red as this man just exposed him in front of the girl he is starting to like and now is as embarrassed as Marius a couple days ago

Isaiah: I guess I got karma for what I did to Marius then

???: You really did get karma you idiot, anyway names Ryad Ramírez Al-Hassar or Jackal on the field

Isaiah: Fuck you Ryad, your last name sounds like a Al-Qatala or Whatever the fuck that terrorist group from Iran is, no hard feelings

Ryad chuckled a little bit at what the newbie Isaiah had to say

Isaiah: That wasn't the only thing that was hard but for someone else instead

Isaiah: Again, Fuck you

Ela blushed a lot after that but still giggled a bit

Ela: Hey I'm going to go now but wanna hang out later Isaiah

Isaiah: Does this mean I'm going on a date for the first time yay

Isaiah started doing the Harlem shake from like 2013-2014 like a idiot making Ryad and Ela laugh

Ela: Isaiah you're weird but in a good way but isn't that dance from like FilthyFrank

Isaiah: Yeah it's FilthyFrank but it's from Pink Guy if you wanna get technical

Ela: You looked like a autistic guy doing that dance

Ryad: Alright I'm going to go now bye

Ryad went to go do his thing and Ela went to go hang out with a Black haired girl with a white line in her hair in the distance

I went to go hang out with Grace aka Dokkaebi and started talking about how Oliver might end up in a fight with Mike again but she brought up Isaiah out of nowhere. She start talking about how we would be a good couple and stuff cause we have our serious side and our goofy side. I started thinking about how I hated him at first to see him as someone I know.

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