[OG] Chapter 2: The Barlett Attack

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A/N 8/12/2022: Alright, for the next few chapters, they are gonna be labeled "OG" because these are the original chapters for this book, the rewritten chapters of this book will come out at least once a month or so, since I'll be back in school, but if you want to, you can read the original version that I made 2 years ago, the rewritten chapters will be labeled "RE". Anyway, if you want, read these original chapters and the rewritten ones will come out soon


"All the shots I take, I spit back at you"
- Shoot Me Again - Metallica

July 2, 2020, 5:04 AM

The Thing POV
I got up around 5 o'clock AM to go to Cambridge, Massachusetts to prevent what the mask are planning on doing to Bartlett University because from the files I read, there are going to have a lot of Mask there. I look through my gun case to look at what I could possibly take, I looked and my F1 and D-50 and picked those out, I looked at my Kar98k I used for sniping operations and picked it out, and of course gotta get the katana. I looked through my maps to plan the way there. It looks like a 2 hour drive there and packed my shit up around 6 and went on my way.

12:07 PM

Jäger POV
I was whooping Bandits ass on Call of Duty cause we wanted to relive all the good times on MW2 were we used to 1v1 on Rust snipers only when we had beef. As the game was 25-13, we where talking about old times and how I used to get communication banned all the time because all the dumb shit I said and how much times I got booted offline. During the game I heard over the intercoms that Me, Bandit, Smoke, Sledge, and Ash need to get our gear and go to Bartlett University due to a gas attack by the White Mask. Me and Bandit turned off the Xbox and went to the armory to get our uniform, amour, and weapons. We ran to the helicopter pad and I get inside the Cockpit since I'm the only one in this CTU who can fly a helicopter and flew to Massachusetts to take out the Mask. I was surprised on what they did, I was hearing Ash's plan on how we are going to execute this mission. Me and Bandit where going to defuse the bomb in the Kitchen and I didn't really hear what Ash, Smoke, and Sledge where going to defuse the second bomb.

The Thing POV
I arrived at 8 and I sat on top of a car garage that was about 400 meters away from the university, I pulled out the binoculars and look around the university to see nothing. I decided to go buy some food because I haven't ate anything since last night and I don't know when they are going to strike. I went to a nearby restaurant and got some pancakes with eggs and bacon. I went back to the car garage and ate my food while scrolling through YouTube to watch a video while I eat. After I was done eating I threw away the plastic box my food came in and went back to my spot on top of the car garage. I waited till I saw a suspicious truck with what seem like gas containers around 11:57 AM parking in front of the university gates. I put the binoculars away and pulled out my Kar98K and waited. I saw some mask with bomb suits or hazmat suits, and I took them out with my Kar98k just sniping these masks in the head, then I saw them put 2 bombs inside the university so I got my hazmat suit on and got over there as fast as possible. I got to the entrance which they jammed the door off, after about 5 minutes I broke the gate open and booked it inside the campus. Once I got the building where the bombs are at, I started shooting them all down in the yellow dust making it hard to see. I felt scared in the first time in years, I didn't know where they were and they had LMGs for fucks sake and what the hell am I doing here. I felt like I was the prey and they were the predator. I looked around trying to find survivors when I looked down to see the dead body of my best friend Robert. I felt depressed seeing his lifeless body laying there with bullet wounds. I whispered to myself "I will avenge you my friend." I picked up a LMG from a dead mask and made sure it was loaded with 100 rounds, I picked up more box mags and walked around with it. I heard some noise of them talking, I kicked the door down and sprayed down the whole room with 10 mask. All the blood from the mask made me satisfied and made it look like it was raining blood. I went through every room shooting it up and killing every mask that was breathing. With no remorse and to avenge the fallen ones of this attack.

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