[OG] Chapter 3: Meeting The Squad

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A/N 8/12/2022: Alright, for the next few chapters, they are gonna be labeled "OG" because these are the original chapters for this book, the rewritten chapters of this book will come out at least once a month or so, since I'll be back in school, but if you want to, you can read the original version that I made 2 years ago, the rewritten chapters will be labeled "RE". Anyway, if you want, read these original chapters and the rewritten ones will come out soon


(A/N The Thing will now go by Isaiah or still The Thing in combat)

July 22, 2020, 12:54 PM

Isaiah POV
It has been a couple days since I have joined Team Rainbow and now I got my new Phone, dorm, and all my belongings and Im almost done with everything setting up my room but I'm to lazy to. I'm sitting here listening to "Sad But True" by Metallica and remember how when I was 10, I was with my dad driving to the local music store for a CD of The Album "St. Anger" because I had a cassette that was worn out. It was the only Metallica Album I knew and a few song from different albums, I heard Sad But True on the radio and I didn't know who it was till I saw on the little screen on my dads car where it showed the radio station and saw Sad But True - Metallica, my 10 year old mine was blown, this was such a heavy song from them and I instantly wanted to know what album it was on and to find other albums of them to see what music they had before St. Anger. When we arrived, I dashed right in and looked for the M section, I saw St. Anger and picked every single Metallica CD that they had. I picked up St. Anger, The Black Album, Ride The Lighting, and Master of Puppets. I arrived home about 10 minutes later and went to my room and put The Black Album in my CD, The First song that instantly played was Enter Sandman. When I heard the drums and bass kicked in, I was blown away, how did I not know about this. I became a huge fan of Metallica after that. I still am a huge fan but after that I started to explore more band likes Iron Maiden, Megadeth, and Pantera.

I just sat there listening to music and remembering all the good memories I had associated with them. I looked at the time and it's 5 am, I got out of my bed to get ready for the day ahead of me, I went to my kitchen to prepare something to eat and to my surprise there's nothing in the fridge. I sighed and went to the mess hall, I got some eggs with bacon and as I went to take a seat, I saw Jäger walk up to me and ask if I wanted to sit at his table with the rest of the GSG9. I agreed and sit at his table and here's how the conversation went.

Marius: Hey guys I want to introduce you to the guy I was talking about for the past 2 weeks, Isaiah, he's the dude with the sword or whatever it is

Isaiah: Hello

Dominic: You do DRUGS

Isaiah: Nah I only smoke weed on special occasions

Dominic: Dammit

Isaiah: Yeah sorry and whose the dude with the shield and the cute girl over there

Marius: The shield guy is Elias aka Blitz because he can run fast despite him having a shield with a literal flash bang on his shield and likes to say if he can use the bathroom and the girl is Monika aka IQ because she is very smart and has a gadget that can detect anything that runs on electricity and what she says "If it runs on batteries, I'll see it," And the guy that asks of you do drugs is Dominic aka Bandit, He uses car batteries to electrify reinforced walls or hurt his brother.

Dominic: Why did you mentioned that about my brother and stop complementing Monika, we know you have a-

Marius slapped Dominic across the face and said "I have been friends with her for awhile

Isaiah: That's cool seem like you guys are close friends and you and Dominic seem like best friends that used to pull Shit off in high school

Dominic: Yeah they are and we pulled of many shit I'm high school trust me ask Elias but as I was saying

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