Groans and screams heard from behind, she hurriedly followed the woman, climbing on the fence. With one quick glance, she sees the bandits being beaten down by green uniforms. Something about the scene didn't sit right in her head.

Now on the other side, she led the woman away from the alley. They found themselves in the street crowd, smoothly blending in, they found an empty driveway, a safer one, as Asami scanned the area fully this time. She can feel her whole body burning from the fight, facing the woman, she asked, "Are you okay? They didn't touch you, did they?"

"I'm okay. I don't know how to thank you enough. I only have this." The woman started pulling out yuans from her bag, and Asami quickly stopped her.

"Oh no. It's okay, really. Please put it back." She smiled at her apologetically, but the woman looked at her, confused.

"But they always ask for money when they save us from the bandits."

It was Asami's time to look confused. "Who?"

"The army. They say we owe it to them. Ever since the queen..." The woman looked down. Asami couldn't believe what she was hearing.

Asami held both of the woman's shoulders and crouched to see her at eye level, "Look, it's not safe in the streets right now." She scanned around the area and again looked at the woman, "Go home to your son, make sure he's alright."

"Thank you. May I know your name?"

Asami hesitated but, seeing the girl scared and confused right now; she didn't seem to pose a threat. "Asami." She straightened her posture as she continued, "I actually have to go now, though."

The woman fixed her clothes and bag and responded, "Right. Is there anything I can help you with? You look beat." She eyed Asami with concern.

She waved the woman off, "I'll be fine. Just... I was wondering if you've heard something about the Avatar staying in town?" Asami asked imploringly.

The woman shook her head ruefully, "No, but there's a warehouse straight ahead," She pointed in the direction behind Asami, "they hold earthbending cage fights. Maybe they can give you answers. People come to see earth benders fight from all over the kingdom."

"Thank you. I should go then. Please take care..." Her tone faltered for the woman to continue.


"Right. Nice to meet you." She smiled at the woman and then went on to the streets towards the warehouse.

"You too!" The woman called out.

Asami walked and passed by rows of stores and family-owned restaurants. On cue, her stomach started to rumble. She went inside one of the restaurants and was greeted by the owner.

"Afternoon, pretty lady! What can I get for ya?" An old lady, the same age as Grandma Yin, came into view as Asami found a table near the windows.

She gave the woman a warm smile and asked, "What's the best dish you have?"

"My! Possum chicken, of course. You won't regret it, I promise!" The woman exclaimed and went to the kitchen.

Scanning her surroundings, she observed some paintings on the wall of the restaurant. Trees similar to the gardens of Zaofu. Asami rested her back against the chair and crossed her arms. A sad feeling washed over her, remembering the moment she had with Korra.

"I'll watch over her as she meditates." Asami looked at Tonraq, concerned about her daughter's well-being. 

"I guess in the meantime, Mako and I will stay here and try to get through to the temple," Bolin added. 

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