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Korra awoke with the sunlight kissing her face that's peeking through the gap of the closed curtains in Asami's bedroom. She turned around and found the bed empty. It felt bigger without Asami in it. Every part of her body is sore, though she's not quite sure if it was from the fight or from the bed last night with Asami.

She got up slowly to a sitting position, trying to wake her eyes fully and wondering what time it was. She glanced at the bedside table, and there she found a letter.

Got called for an emergency meeting. Will make it up to you. Breakfast downstairs; Dee will take care of you.


She placed it back on the tabletop and got out of bed to look for her clothes. The touches and warmth of Asami still lingered on her skin, and it made her shiver. Korra found a new set of clothes folded neatly in one of the futons from across the foot of the bed. Her boots by the floor. Asami must've gotten her clothes her size because some of Asami's wouldn't fit Korra's when they used to have sleepovers from ages ago. She looked at the time on the wall clock, 07:45. What time did Asami even get up? She remembered the kiss on the forehead and Asami playing with her hair. Though she wasn't sure if it was a dream, it felt like it.

Korra put on the pants and blue vest, fitting perfectly on her body, and went out of the room. The dim lighting of the hallways made it feel more desolate than ever. She wondered how Asami could've handled staying in this mansion with the memories this place was haunted by. Now she felt more guilty about how she cut herself off from everyone, especially Asami. Especially Asami.

Dee met her at the end of the staircase with his hands on his side and bowing briefly.

"Good morning, Avatar Korra. Miss Sato has instructed me that I wouldn't let you out of the mansion without eating first. She also would like to relay the message to you that Master Tenzin is waiting for you at the Air Temple Island." He moved his body and hand towards the dining area connecting to the kitchen, allowing Korra to go first.

"Can I take something to go? Might not have much of an appetite to eat a full meal while the city is under attack." Korra asked while she walked towards the kitchen.

"Miss Sato presumed you'd say that. There are buns and butter, dumplings, bean cakes, fire gummies, and everything else actually." Dee responded nonchalantly as if he'd done this his whole life. Maybe he did.

"Bean cakes and fire gummies, please," Korra said, "And does Miss Sato tell you a lot of stuff about me? And does she often go out this early?" She smirked as she sat down in one of the high chairs at the kitchen counter while Dee went and got her food packed.

"Oh, she does. She admires you, Avatar Korra. You kept her going after all that transpired in her life. And she does go out to work early, sometimes earlier than anyone else in this household. I think she's trying to beat the sun on who rises first." Dee said, and he put down the neatly packed food box in front of Korra, "I remind her not to overwork herself when I can, but she doesn't always listen. It's as if she's one with the machine. A very willful woman, indeed." He shook his head, tutting as if he was reminded of his child disobeying him.

Korra hummed in response. She stood up and grabbed the food and said, "She's always been passionate about building things. Always trying to fix stuff. She might've gotten it from her... dad. " She paused and realized how she crossed a susceptible subject in the mansion.

She could see how Dee stood uncomfortably, so Korra tried to smooth things over and change the subject, "Thank you for taking care of Asami, Dee. I owe you one."

Dee chuckled, and Korra thought it was unusual seeing him laugh. Still, she was glad he was comfortable with her, "While your duty is to maintain balance in the world, mine is to make sure Miss Sato stays alive and well." He started walking towards the exit and Korra beside her.

In Her Eyes, I See The Stars DancingWhere stories live. Discover now