Again, building herself up for disappointment, Senna answered. "I'm afraid not, dear." She looked at the CEO apologetically while leading them in the dining area. She felt her stomach drop at the response even though she knew that it wasn't possible anyway. Of course she's not, you idiot.

Still, Asami couldn't feel more hopeful thinking that it's possible to come and see Korra in the South Pole. She wanted to go.

As they round up the corner, Asami can see the people in the room.

"Ah, Asami. Good to see you again." They were greeted by Tenzin, who was now sitting in a lotus position in front of the table. Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo found their places, and Asami sat at the empty space beside Jinora. She smiled at the girl and then tilted her head to acknowledge Tenzin.

"Hi, Tenzin." Everyone settled down, and they started eating.

"How is the Central City Station looking?" Tenzin asked while taking a bite of the bun.

"Good. The tracks have been installed, just some troubles with the units, but we should be right on schedule." Asami chimed calmly as she poured tea on her cup.

The master airbender stroke his beard. "Hm, I suppose with you as the lead contractor, we shouldn't have any concerns." He smiled at the engineer.

Asami could only smile back, if not for the nagging thoughts in her head as she kept thinking of him being able to see Korra. She nonchalantly queried, "I heard you're heading for the South Pole today?"

Tenzin swallows down his food before he responded, "Ah. Yes. Tonraq and my mom asked me to see Korra on how she's doing. I believe she can walk and run now."

When she heard that statement, Asami can't help but feel a wave of relief overwhelm her whole body as she thought of Korra finally being able to walk. The mere thought of the Avatar being out of the wheelchair should've brought tears to her eyes but held it. She can't shake the idea of Korra not writing back to her, and that slammed her emotions back down.

"Has she written back to you at all?" She whispered, afraid of the answer. But why would she be frightened? It's not like she's going to be jealous if Korra has sent letters to Tenzin, her teacher, and not her. Like she cares that much about you. No. Stop.

"Sadly, no." He stopped eating and faced Asami. "I radioed Tonraq the first month she was recovering. She was not easy to handle. Hopefully, there is progress now." His lips form a grim line as if remembering bad memory ages ago. Ages ago. How long has it been?

Asami let out a breath she didn't know she was holding but kept quiet the whole meal. Korra was struggling. The heiress kept thinking to ask Tenzin if she could come. Still, she can't manage another vacation now. She has a lot of responsibilities right now in the city and again, Korra didn't want her there. The CEO groaned internally.

Damn it. Just one glimpse of Korra, even if she doesn't want me there. I don't have to show myself. Just one chance to see the girl.

When they finished their lunch, everyone went out to say goodbye to Tenzin. Some of the airbenders started practicing on the training grounds.

Asami stayed and sat down beside a tree with her sketchbook and pencil. At first, she started sketching the surroundings, trees, the water, the temple, and then she focused on the airbenders. She drew each one of them, including the air they make as they practice the different bending forms. The flying lemurs got her attention as one jumped from a tall tree and spread its limbs to control their descent. She sketched them with specific details, and the engineer stared at the airbenders she also drew.

"I wonder if this works." She muttered to herself.

Asami started drawing one of the airbenders with wings on the arms down to the legs. She then started designing a suit that will go with the made-up wings to suit the aerodynamics better. She bites the end part of the pencil, her mind running with ideas.

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