Cute little ideas part 2

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Akasshi may not look it, but he is very clingy and worries about bokuto, whenever bokuto leaves during the night akasshi will stand outside of the house waiting for him to come back, bokuto always wakes up someone to make sure akasshi is inside but they always have to tell him akasshi fell asleep on the grass lawn waiting for him, or when he gets back he finds him laying there. It breaks his heart.

Akasshi was out with kenma when they were roofied, all akasshi could do before he lost control was call kuroo and bokuto slurring our the words "help , drugged, -the location-, kenma". When they get there they find kenma violently throwing up trying to get the drugs out of his system, all he can do is point in the direction akasshi is before shoving his fingers down his throat another time , throwing up once again. Bokuto races to find akasshi, when he does he winces.
akasshi is trying , and failing, to get up muttering about helping kenma. Once he sees bo he goes and leans on him, whining pathetically before his eyes roll back into his head and passes out.

Kenma doesn't get much sleep at night so when Yaku found him on the base kitchen floor asleep he didn't have the heart to wake him up. The second time this happens it's a little different, during a meeting with the gang kenma tried to get up but failed miserably, face-planting onto the floor, but instead of getting up he just sighs, curls into a ball and goes to sleep. Kuroos heart physically breaks at the sight of how exhausted his kitten is. He gently picks kenma up and sits down in his seat. "Continue please, just a little quieter" kuroo says slightly rocking back and forth

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