"You gonna go?"

Lexy scrunched up her face. "I wanted to but... I'm guessing it's not a good idea now, right?"

Both boys gave her a pitiful look. Not only had she lost her privacy, but she was also having to sit on the sidelines when it came to things like junior prom.

"You should go." Archie then said. "The entire junior year will be there. The gargoyle won't be able to try anything with all those witnesses around."

"We said the same thing about the benefit concert, remember? Now look where we are." Lexy sighed, gesturing to the hospital waiting room.

"Just don't do anything stupid this time."

Little did they know that that wasn't exactly easy. "Okay even if I was considering this, I still technically can't go."

"Why not?" Reggie asked.

"I don't have a dress."

Archie shrugged. "So get one today."

"Will you take me?" Lexy asked incredulously.

"As much as I love dress shopping, I can't. There's some stuff I need to take care of at the the gym."


Reggie sighed. "My old man's got me working at the dealership. I've got a shift tonight."

"Fine, then I'll just go alone." She said casually.

"You wish." Archie scoffed.

"Well if neither of you can take me then that means... oh no."

They smiled sheepishly, which made Lexy even more reluctant. "No!" She reinforced.

"You going somewhere alone is like us sticking a target on your back." Archie said.

"I'll take Cheryl or Toni or even Veronica with me then."

"Like any of them would be able to fight off a stalker who tried to kill someone two nights ago." Reggie commented.

Lexy stomped her foot and groaned like a child having a tantrum. "I'm not asking my bitter ex boyfriend to take me dress shopping!"


"You know, you could do me a favour and actually be helpful." Lexy rolled her eyes.

"I'm being the bodyguard like I was told. I think that's helpful enough." Sweetpea replied testily.

"Fine. Then I'm going to the lingerie shop on the third floor, where you can't follow me unless you want to look like a creep."

She strutted away from him, satisfied that she found a method of making his job harder than it had to be. The sound of him huffing loudly behind her only made her grin more.

"Fine, fine! What do you want me to do?" He blocked her from the exit.

Lexy smiled innocently as she gestured around the store. "Pick me a dress."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard what I said."

"I don't think I heard what you said, and if I heard you say that you wanted me to pick you a prom dress then I think you might be crazier than Lexy on fizzle rocks."

"You know, the more sensitive boys are about their masculinity, the more us girl's question it." She remarked.

"This isn't a case of masculinity, this is a case of I don't do prom dresses."

Lexy AndrewsWhere stories live. Discover now