The Stranger

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Archie was home. He went from jail, to hiding in a secret bunker, to skipping town with Jughead, to staying in a cabin in Canada, and only now realized that it was time for him to face his demons. He was finally home.

Fred Andrews had never been so happy to sit down and have breakfast with his son.

"I don't remember the rangers finding me. But I woke up in the hospital knowing that... I couldn't keep running. That it was time to come home, back to a normal life. If that's even possible."

Archie had just finished telling his dad about the bear attack while he was patrolling the woods. Fred couldn't help but feel guilty that his son almost died and he was nowhere to be seen.

"So how's Lexy doing? Where is she?" Archie asked, scoffing down his bacon.

He knew it was going to be a serious adjustment trying to settle back into regular life, but he also knew that as soon as he saw his sister, everything would start falling back into place.

"School. She's been going early these past few weeks. I barely have to make breakfast for two anymore." Fred answered.

"Okay, she'll probably hurt me if she finds out I didn't go see her straight away so I better get going."

Archie finished off his bacon and left the house for school. He was slightly anxious about how everyone would react to him being back, but at least he knew he had Lexy, right? Wrong.

Lexy hadn't thought about Archie in a long time. In fact, he was the last thing on her mind. A lot had changed since he left, including Lexy. Simply walking through the doors and saying he's home for good, was not about to undo everything that was already done.

Lexy opened her locker and yawned. The only drawback of fizzle rocks was the after effects. Her mood lifted however when she saw a quest card sitting in her locker.

Go to the place of the fallen friend and finish what they started.

"The fallen friend?" Lexy wandered. This would probably make a lot more sense if she was playing on the board. How was she supposed to turn this quest into a real life situation?

She then noticed a folded up piece of paper. A letter. She opened it up.

Hint: The Fourth of July.

The Fourth of July? What did that have to do with...

"Oh. Now I get it."

She still wasn't exactly sure what she had to do, but she knew where to go. As soon as G&G was involved, school wasn't her priority anymore. She shut her locker and made her way to the side exit of the building.

Meanwhile Archie walked through the main doors. Betty and Jughead made small talk with him but he wasn't really participating much. They rounded the corner to Lexy's locker.

"She's not at her locker. You guys know where else she would be?" Archie asked.

Betty and Jughead gave each other looks as if to say "I don't want to be the one to tell him." Before either one of them could say anything however Archie stopped Cheryl who was walking by.

"Cheryl, have you seen Lexy?" He tried.

"Archie Andrews! Nice to see you back in Riverdale." She greeted sweetly before her tone turned sour. "But no, I don't know where your thieving bitch of a sister is and I don't care to."

Archie raised a brow at Betty and Jughead as Cheryl walked away. "What was that about?"

Jughead opened his mouth then closed it.

Lexy AndrewsWhere stories live. Discover now