Prom Night

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Lexy and Archie followed the ambulance holding Harriet's body all the way to the hospital. Neither of them were quite sure why. Harriet had just made it very clear to Lexy that she knew who the gargoyle was and wasn't going to do anything to stop them from killing her. But she still found herself needing know whether Harriet lived or died. She hoped it would be the former. That way there was no blood on her hands.

Once they reached the hospital, Archie sloppily pulled into the parking lot and Lexy wasted no time running after the paramedics who were now rushing Harriet inside.

"Is she still alive?" She asked breathlessly catching up to them.

"What's her name?" A balding man asked instead.

"Harriet... uh... Harriet Boldon!"

"Okay, well, we can't give you any specifics right now but we're gonna do the best we can to at least keep her conscious." The man spoke calmly although that's what he was paid to do, so Lexy had to take his reassurance with a grain of salt.

They rolled Harriet's gurney down the all too familiar hallway. How many times had Lexy been here in the past year? Too many.

"Lexy, you need to tell me what the hell happened!" Archie exclaimed, following her into the waiting room.

"The gargoyle happened! He.. or she... or whoever it is hit Harriet with their car. Right when she was about to tell me who's behind all of this-"

"Wait, so she's not-"

"No. She's not the gargoyle. We were wrong. They outsmarted us, as usual. Whoever this is, they're still out there. And they got Harriet this time. But what if it's me next time?"


"You sure it was a good idea to skip school just to sit here all day?" Reggie asked as he entered the waiting room.

"Probably not, but I did." She said lifelessly as she stared down the hallway from her chair.

He followed he gaze, trying to figure out what she was staring at but didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. "What?" He asked.

She narrowed her eyes before asking, "Do we know him?"

They both looked towards a boy, probably not much older than them, with curly blonde hair and striking blue eyes. He sat on a wooden bench filling out some paperwork.

Reggie studied the boy for a few seconds. "He's not in our school anyway. Why?"

"He just... he looks really familiar. But I can't remember why."

She continued to peer at the boy until he glanced upwards, causing her to tear her gaze away and place her chin in between her palms.
Reggie eyed her suspiciously but couldn't think any more about it when Archie interrupted his thoughts.

"Man, the hotdogs here are gross." He grumbled as he slumped down in a seat across from Reggie.

"You seriously thought you'd find good hotdogs in a hospital cafeteria?" Lexy questioned.

"Wasn't there like a movement for it in the... I don't know, the 70s... or something?"

Reggie laughed and shook his head. "And people say I'm the dumb one?"

There was a comfortable silence between the three of them before Archie remembered something. "Did you guys know that prom's this weekend?"

"Veronica told me last night." Lexy scoffed.

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