Chapter 16: All Might's Triumph/Ochako's Brave Confession

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"Ha!" Bakugo said, "It may be able to regenerate skin tissue but I doubt it can..." The Nomu's arm started to grow back. "Fuuuuuuuuucccckkkkk," he said.

The Nomu lunged at him again only to be punched away by All Might. It returned back to have a brawling session with All Might.

The 2 traded blows for a solid 10 minutes, right hooks, left hooks, uppercuts, kicks, and other types of punches were dealt on the other, by each side.

"I was told that this nomu of yours can absorb the shock from my punches, which means there must be a limit to the number of punches it can take since the shocks are not nullified." all might told Shigaraki. "This means that i can overcome its limits. It's time to show you villains what it really means to go beyond. Plus Ultra!" all might says as he delivers a final punch to the Nomus head, going beyond his limits, punching it away into the sky.

All might stood there, with his hand raised above his head, symbolising his victory over the beast.

"Damnit, you shitty heroes cheated, the Nomu was supposed to be invincible. You've cheated." Shigaraki shouted before he rushed towards the hero, his arm extended aiming to disintegrate the hero in front of him when a gun was fired. It was Snipe, the shooter pro hero. Iida had returned with assistance!

"I have arrived with the Cavalry!" Iida said as the rest of the heroes arrived.

The teachers spread throughout the USJ and managed to subdue the remaining criminals and rescue the rest of the students from their respective zones.

With 19 students accounted for, All Might and Izuku carried out a private ambulance. Ochako followed closely, wanting to stay by her best friend's side.

"He'll be ok," said a paramedic, "but his readings... they're off the chart. Despite those blows, the bones are.... repairing themselves."

The police question the students and later, detective Tsukauchi debriefs the students telling them that Izuku, all might, Aizawa and thirteen will be alright and that they are being taken to the hospital for treatment. Ochako and Katsuki wanted to accompany Izuku to the hospital but were denied by the paramedics and other pros. Midnight told them that Izuku will be alright as his body has somehow already started to heal or at least that is what the doctors told them.

Ochako and Katsuki were a little relieved but could help but worry about their friend. Unfortunately the 2 had to leave Izuku and the other pros to the doctors and accompany the rest of the teachers back to UA. However they made it their plan to visit Izuku right after school.


Ochako was being driven to the hospital by Inko.

"these boys do not know how to take care of themselves. I mean do they even consider how we fell!!?!" Inko rants to Ochako as she drives.

"Ms Midoriya there's something about Deku," Ochako began, "how would you feel.... knowing his body won't get permanent damage?" Inko turned around.

"What do you mean?" She asked curiously.

"I overheard one of the doctors saying that his quirk may have made his bones immune to shattering despite what just happened," Ochako said, "Then again he is All Might's son so that may have something to do with it." Inko was surprised by this statement.

"I don't think I follow, what do you mean he won't suffer any permanent damage, just how bad was he banged up to begin with that it could cause permanent damage?" Inko asked Ochako.

'Shit' Ochako thought. "Oh from what the medics told us, Izuku initially had broken both his arms protecting us, a broken jaw, 4 broken ribs on his right and 2 on his left, a concussion and a broken right leg. However, before we left, Ms. Midnight told us that the doctors noted that Izuku's readings were off the charts and that his body was somehow healing itself. The doctors were surprised to say the least since Izuku doesnt have a healing or regeneration type quirk." Ochako told her soon to be mother in law.

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