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"Are we good? Did we forget anything?" Seokjin asked his friends as he roamed his eyes through the hyundai palisade they're going to use traveling to Ulleungdo Island where Yoongi's hometown is, one of their friends.

"Everything's done. I already put at the backseat all the stuff we are going to bring for this summer trip." Taehyung beemed excitedly while wearing his summer shades coolly even though it's still dark and the sun has not risen yet.

"You look like a-"

"I know, Jimin! I know, I know! I'm handsome. Kindly stop reminding me that." Taehyung cut him off.

"-a fool." Taehyung glared at Jimin while Seokjin and Namjoon just laughed because of the two bickering with each other once again. Jimin just shrugged his shoulders off and went inside the car.

"Why don't you drive this time, Namjoon?" Seokjin suggested while wearing a teasing smile that annoyed Namjoon.

"Are you trying to pick a fight with me?" It was Taehyung and Jimin's turn to laugh when Namjoon's smile faltered and started to send death glares to Seokjin who's already positioning himself at the driver's seat. Namjoon sat at the front seat while Taehyung's sitting next to Jimin.

" I told you, you have to learn how to drive. You don't even have a driver's license. Seat belt please! " Seokjin while fixing himself.

"I don't need to learn how to drive when you're there to drive for us." Namjoon backfired.

"I will not always be by your side to drive for you especially when there are girls who's willing to let me drive them insane."

"Jerk!" Namjoon bellowed. Seokjin just laughed at Namjoon's reaction while the two at the back are shaking their heads in disbelief.

Seokjin started the engine and maneuvered it. The darkness from the sky is starting to vanish. Sun is about to rise. They should leave as soon as possible so there won't be a traffic. That's the reason why they left early. Also, Jimin is not a type of person who's patient to stay inside a car for hours.

"Too bad, Hoseok is not here." Taehyung mumbled out of the blue while looking outside the car's window.

They planned to have a one month vacation at Yoongi's family's rest house at Ulleungdo Island. As a band with 6 members, they also need a break from music industry especially when their job is getting heavy. They were given a 1 month vacation before getting back to work but Hoseok decided to spend time with his family first. They understand him though. Among them, he is the most affectionate when it comes to his family. A family-centered type of guy that's why only 5 of them will go to the rest house while Yoongi went there first to prepare a welcome party for them.

A couple minutes of silence pass, Taehyung and Jimin both fell asleep in their seats. Taehyung's head fell on Jimin's shoulder while Jimin's head rested on Taehyung's head. They look like an angel who doesn't even know the word 'bickering'. Meanwhile, Namjoon at the front seat is keeping his eyes open to accompany Seokjin so he won't get bored while driving. He'll be driving for a couple of hours and he might fell asleep too if all of them are sleeping that might lead to an accident, that's what Namjoon thought.

Jimin woke up after several hours while Taehyung is still asleep on his seat. Seokjin stopped in a drive thru to buy for something they can eat while they're on a trip so they won't starve on the road.

Seokjin came back and continue driving. After the 14 hours of driving, they finally arrived at Ulleungdo Island. They saw Yoongi who looks like he's too lazy to wait for his band mates but obliged to as a sign of formality. He's wearing a plain white shirt while wearing a beach red short and a black cap and his hands inside his pocket.

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