John wants to adopt Sera and a chair needs a knife

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[10:47am, Monday]

Sera: JOHn

John: ...yeah?

Sera: YoU DIdN'T NEeD To dO THat

Sera: I WAs FinE

John: Well, I wanted to protect you

Sera: Yeah, but now you're in the principal's office

Sera: ...

Sera: WhY dO YOu evEn HaVe YOur PHonE?

John: That sum confidential shit

Asslo: ...What happened?

Sera: Care to explain, J o h n ?

John: No, I don't care to thank you very much

Sera: J O H N

Remi: C'monnnn

Remi: I'm curious now!

John: No

Remi: *la cri*

Drip: Y o u m a d e t h e q u e e n c r i

Sera: tEll The STory

John: ...Fine

John: Sera was walking down the hall and these bullies started beating her up

Remi: Yeah?

Sera: *cough* Making fun of my hair


John: Sera, the adults are speaking

Sera: ;-;

John: ...Anyway, so before I got up to her and the bullies

John: I grabbed a chair from the nearest classroom and threw it at them

Remi: :0

Sera: You mean you beat him up near death with the chair and told him that 'his hair was ugly, his face was ugly, and that he should have never been born because he is a failure to his entire bloodline and nobody will ever love him so haha get got dumb-dumb poopy-caca man.'


John: Yes?

John: And?

John: Your point, Sera?


Sera: Ma fuckn gawd

Remi: :0

Remi: Sera!!!

Remi: Rude language is for adults only!



Sera: Fork you guys

Drip: So when do you get out?

John: When the principal lets me


Drip: o k

Drip: h e l p f u l

Witch: Hey, Blyke?

Drip: What, Witch?


Witch: h a h a

Witch: S o  m u c h  f u n n y

Witch: Anyway

Witch: Could you maybe possibly buy a new duffle bag for moi?

Drip: ...Why?


Witch: I'll give you the money


Drip: Did you sell MY duffle bag?

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