2: Love Interest

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The Next Day

Where the fuck is he? It's already 7:45 and he was supposed to be here twenty minutes ago. I look at my watch in annoyance as I scan across the traffic, hoping to see my boyfriend's car. He is supposed to pick me up since my car is in the shop. As I pace back and forth on the sidewalk in the front of my dorm, I finally see his car pull up next to me, with the windows rolled down and music blasting.

"Hey baby!" Marcus says, looking at me with cheerfulness. "Ready to go?"

"Why are you late Marcus, you were supposed to be here thirty minutes ago and class is too far away for me to make it on time!" I slam the door of his car and huff in frustration.

Marcus looks at me with confusion and suddenly has a realization, saying "oh shit, was your class not the same time as mine? Sorry, with your car in the shop I lost track, especially since you didn't remind me last night." I roll my eyes in annoyance and ignore for the rest of the ride. When we finally arrive, I leave the car without even looking back at him and hear him drive off.

After class, I saw Marcus outside of my class waiting for me but he was talking to his ex Rebecca. That bitch, I think. She must've seen him and took advantage of my absence to make her move, something she's never afraid to do. I walk towards them but suddenly they start laughing, with her arm moving slowly down his shoulder. He makes no effort to push away from the movement and even leans a little closer. I can see him grinning, enjoying her company despite their past history. 

I cough loudly, making them both finally notice me. Her arm drops to her side and he steps away, no longer grinning. "Rebecca, I thought your class was in the other hall." 

She smirks at me, winks at Marcus, and walks away. I place my hand on my hip and look at him in disgust. "Why the hell were you talking to her?" I'm nearly shouting at him. "We've talked about this, you know she's a bad person and you should be over her by now!"

"Of course I-"

"No," I interrupt, "you're obviously not over her from what I just saw and I don't even know if you're committed to this relationship." 

Marcus pushes me against the wall and growls quietly in my ear. "Don't take that tone with me."

"Whatever," I scoff. I shove him off of me and storm off towards the coffee shop, the only place where I can rest and focus on my studies. 

I shove open the doors to the coffee shop, still furious about my fight with Marcus. I go up to the barista, shuffling through my bag to grab my wallet. "The usual?" the barista says with a smirk.

"Yup," I mumble. I hand her the cash and scan across the room to find a nice seat next to the window. It's not long before my order is called and I quickly hurry up to grab it. Ah, the  only  stable thing in my life. Out of nowhere, I bump into a massive person, forcing my drink to splatter across myself and him. I groan in frustration as I pick up my cup and glance up at who I collided into. It was him. Dimitri. 

"Great, thank you so much for that. This is really something that I needed today," my voice leaking with sarcasm. 

"My apologizes!" Dimitri says in shock. "I didn't see where I was going and neglected to see a little thing like you." He attempts to grab some napkins and help me clean up the mess, but I snatch it out of his hands. 

"Just get away from me." I shove him away from the mess as I get up and stomp to the bathroom so I can clean up my shirt. I grab some paper towels and attempt to get the stain out, but after a few tries it only looks a shade or two lighter. I groan in frustration and decide to just return back to my seat. I push open the bathroom door to see Dimitri standing there with a new drink in his hands. 

"Here you go, Mackenzie," he gives a wink and extends my new drink towards me. I roll my eyes, mumble a thank you while taking the drink and return back to my seat. I resume studying when I notice Dimitri takes the seat only two feet away from me, his back towards me. I shake my head to regain focus only to see the front doors open and Marcus step in, scanning across the shop for me. Once he sees me, he saunters over and steals the seat in front of me.

"Hi babe." Marcus says with a smile. I ignore him and focus on my studies.   

He sighs and leans back in his seat. "Look," he immediately says when I open my mouth, "I'm sorry okay, I shouldn't have done that. The late pickup and talking Rebecca thing. That's just how I am and I thought you would know that by now... plus you should have reminded me anyways."

I sigh, already lacking the effort to continue this fight. "That's fine, I don't care anymore. Just let me be so I can study I have an exam next week."

"Alright I love you, we still on for tomorrow?"

"Yeah," I blush. "Of course." I watch Marcus leave and notice Dimtiri looking over. 

"Yes? can I help you?" I say raising an eyebrow. 

(Dimtiri's POV) 

I arrive to the coffee shop with the aim to complete a lot of work, but I almost immediately notice the same girl as before. Oh look, it's little sassy  pants, I should perhaps go over and present myself an opportunity to help her. I walk behind her on purpose, hoping that she'll bump into me. Alas, she doesn't notice my presence as she turns around and the drink explodes between us.

"Great, thank you so much for that. This is really something that I needed today," she says with dripping sarcasm. Oh, I wasn't expecting this much spice from a doll like her. Perhaps this'll be interesting. 

"My apologizes!" I say in fake shock, "I didn't see where I was going and neglected to see a little thing like you." I grab napkins from a nearby person and try to blot up the mess, but snatches them from me. Such fierceness too.  I attempt to help still, but her radiant blue eyes give me a look with such fury that I'm tempted to back off. 

She shoves me away, telling me to get away from her and she rises to clean up in the bathroom. And, now's the opportunity. I whistle at the barista and tell her to remake the order that the girl just spilled all over us. 

"Mackenzie, you mean?" the barista asks. I smirk, having finally learned this little girl's name. 

"Yes, her. And make it a priority please." I hand her a twenty dollar bill and wait until she hands me the drink. At the same time, Mackenzie storms out of the bathroom and I quickly place myself in her line of vision. 

"Here you go, Mackenzie," I wink with a hint of humor in my voice. She reluctantly accepts the drink, barely giving me an acknowledgement. A disrespectful one too. I smirk at the thought and return back to my seat, resuming the email I've been drafting for my boss. Not too long after, a man smugly walks over to Mackenzie and I can't help myself listen into the conversation. The guy makes an apology about something that I'm not able to fully catch, but even I can tell it's half-assed. As far as I can tell, he's her boyfriend. She's in a relationship? Let's change that soon. He clearly doesn't deserve her. 

Before I realize it, the boyfriend has already left and I catch a glance from her. She gives me a face that snaps me back into reality. "Yes?" she asks. "Can I help you over there?" Shit did she notice?

"No no," I breezily comment, "I just couldn't help myself overhear what you guys were saying. You know, since you weren't exactly being quiet."

"Well, you should mind your own business." I couldn't help but laugh at her rudeness, drawn to her personality. She's perfect. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2020 ⏰

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