"So, what happened on the date? I thought you wouldn't come home tonight. Either that or I have to put my headphones on full blast," you grinned and elbowed him in attempt to make light on the situation. An eye roll told you that it failed to amuse him.

"The date was okay," he shrugged. "I'd just rather spend the night finishing of this season is all."

You wondered if the date really went well or if he got rejected and was too embarrassed to admit it. There was no reason for a young man like Jungkook to turn down the prospect of sex for a rerun of Survivor, no matter how good the show was. "Did she... not enjoy the date?" The question was far from tactful but sensitivity had never been your forte. It was a mark of impressive self-restraint on your part not to have asked him this before. The sad truth was Jungkook had never returned home late from a date. You never had to turn your headphones on full volume either.

Jungkook popped the last bite of the ice-cream cone into his mouth, munching slowly as he thought of an answer. "Maybe." Another obscure response. You concluded that the date, like his previous dates with scores of other girls, was a failure and that he didn't want to talk about it so you decided not to press the matter. When you brought around a change of topic, he seemed glad for the respite and participated in the new discussion with more vigour.

However, as you watched the contestants jumping in each others' throats at the Tribal Council later, you found yourself unable to stop thinking about Jungkook's dating life. It was incomprehensible that such a handsome, smart guy like your roommate to never have a successful date. At first you thought it was because Jungkook was picky, but when you asked him about the girls he went out with, he had nothing but good things to say about them. It couldn't be that he had a bad personality either. You knew there were girls who would put up with class A jerks just because they were as good-looking and popular as Jungkook was.

On the contrary, Jungkook is a great guy. He was thoughtful, well-mannered and funny. You always found him to be good company. So why was it that for the time that you'd known him, he had never been a relationship or even went out with the same girl more than once?

"Do you pay for the girl's share of the meal when you go out?" You asked suddenly.

Instead of answering, he tapped your shoulder gently with the hand that was resting on you, acknowledging that he'd heard you say something but was too preoccupied to answer. You forced yourself to focus on the screen. One of the contestants just dropped an unexpected bomb and Jeff, the host was expressing his surprise. When a man stood to cast the first vote, Jungkook used the arm that he had wrapped around your shoulders to squeeze you in apology and shifted his attention to you. "Sorry. What did you say?"

The brief window had given you the opportunity to second guess your decision to bring up the subject again, but you forged ahead anyway. "When you go on a date, do you pay for the girl's meal?" You repeated.

"Mm-hmm," he answered noncommittally.

"Did things get... awkward?" You continued, trying to pinpoint the problem.

"Not as awkward as you're being right now." His teasing earned him an elbow in the ribs.

"I'm serious, Jeon," you admonished him.

Sighing softly, he returned, "Why do you care, anyway? It's not as if you have a boyfriend. Shouldn't you worry about yourself first?"

Had the statement come from anyone else, it might have been offensive, but this was Jungkook. His gentle tone and impassive face told you that there was no vicious intent behind them. You couldn't tell him the real reason why you were concerned though. Not when you couldn't even admit it to yourself. You'd had a crush on him ever since you moved in. However, you were too cowardly to voice it out loud, afraid that it would make things awkward between you. The thought of rejection was too scary and you didn't want to ruin the friendship you had with him, afraid to lose the comfort that he provided, the confidant you trusted and the companion you had when you were at here at home.

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