Clueless (M)

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A one-shot based on a request from Tumblr!

Jungkook x Reader

Genre: Roommate! Jungkook, smut and fluff

Word count: 7,469 words


You were greeted with the sound of the TV blaring from the living room when you opened the front door of your house. Although he couldn't see or hear you, it didn't stop you from letting out a small sigh accompanied with a smile to yourself as you untied your sneakers and put them away neatly on the shoe rack. The thick white socks you wore made your steps quiet.

As you padded into the house, you weren't surprised to find your roommate sprawled on the floor with his back leaning against the lower half of the couch and his long legs stretched carelessly under the coffee table. He was staring at the show playing on his laptop on the table but you weren't sure if he was really paying attention to it. At first you opened your mouth to check if he needed a call back to Earth, then you saw the gaggle of men and women sprinting across the screen and gasped.

"JUNGKOOK! How could you?!"

Your shriek of righteous indignation caused him to jump in surprise, knocking his leg against the table. He turned around, scowling at you while rubbing his palm over the injured spot. "Ow! What the hell?"

"You're watching Survivor without me!" The accident didn't matter to you, actually it was well deserved in your opinion for jumping the gun instead of waiting for you to come home.

"Oh," he said, glancing at the computer screen for a split second before turning back to you. At least he had the decency to look and sound sheepish. "Sorry. I was trying to distract myself and I didn't know what else to do."

"How come you're home so early, anyway?" You asked as you sat down on the couch next to where he was sitting on the floor. It wasn't unusual, but you wanted to know what happened, as usual. Jungkook and you told each other pretty much everything. "Did she kick your loser ass out of her house?"

Jungkook snorted derisively, then paused to look up at you. "Maybe."

You raised a skeptical eyebrow at his cryptic answer. Taking in the sight of him, long, muscly and handsome, one of his forearms propped up on a bent knee, looking cool as cucumber, you had a hard time believing any girl would kick him out of her house. Opening your mouth, you started to question this unlikely story but he cut you off before you could even utter a single syllable.

"Come on, let's get ice-cream and pick up some snacks to munch on while we watch this," he paused the show, stood up and offered a hand to you. The mention of ice-cream immediately distracted you from further interrogation and you placed your hand in his to allow him to pull you up.

"I still can't believe you watched without me," you muttered as you snatched your purse and followed him out the door.

A bark of laughter escaped from him and he clapped his arm around your shoulder. His knuckle grinding against the side of your head was teasing but it made you huff and squirm out of his grasp irritatedly. "I thought you've watched season twenty before."

"Just because we're rewatching them doesn't mean that I appreciate you playing it without me," you retorted. "We were supposed to see the whole thing together!"

"Relax, we can just replay that episode from the beginning," he assured you. "I couldn't pay attention to any of it anyway."

After grabbing some chips from the convenience store and an ice-cream cone each from the ice-cream shop, the two of you took a relaxed stroll home. Your raspberry ice-cream was almost gone and you were eyeing Jungkook's half-eaten one. He was quick to notice the longing look on your face and put on a show of slurping his dessert extra loudly with a smirk, just to annoy you. Catching yourself, you threw him a dirty look and fished for a topic to distract yourself from your sweet tooth impulses.

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