Important Spices 8/10 Introducing Cloves! ☘️🍃Pt.2

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Ok, I bought cloves, and am baking a peach pie right now! I'll tell you how it goes, I just put it in the oven tho, And yeah, I have to go back to school on the 8th of September, I'll finish this book no matter what on the 15th, Or the 20th at the latest. 

I will only be able to post a few chapters every few days, I will be posting like crazy the next week or so, So expect random poetry, At random times! 

With that in mind, E N J O Y ! 

Cloves are similar to ginger, they flavor meat

Make the taste, A bit more flavorful to eat. 

They go with, sometimes, 

Cinnamon, Which goes with a lot, And has a lot of rhymes

They also go with the spice 

Nutmeg, And that also goes with cinnamon, Isn't that nice? 

They also go with citrus peel

Who flavors drinks, And appeals

They can go with Salt

For meat, They don't hesitate or halt

They can go and be sweet

Sugary and can be nice as a pie, Or other treat

They go with garlic 

And get this, Garlic parts are called cloves too, That tends to stick

They go with basil too,

Pasta, Salad, More they do. 

Vanilla extract

To be exact 

Also goes perfectly intact

They are in pies after all, That's a fact

Cloves can go with A lot you see, 

More, there might be. 

What is special about cloves though? 

You say, Every spice can make a dish glow. 

Answer is, Well hard

I could play my cards

Many ways

Could think about this question for days. 

Well, Put it this way. 

I did say spices were important, I did say. 

Every spice has its history

And it's unknown mysteries. 

I see things differently sometimes

The world isn't perfect, With its nice rhymes.

I'm not a special kind of person though

I just wanted that to be clear for all you to know. 

Cloves are just a piece of the spice world

When, All these were found everything unfurled. 

Without any spice some things might go wrong

Cloves are part of the song. 

Well, Just because I might think something is special doesn't mean you do. 

But, I might change your mind soon, I think I might too. 

Cloves, Are one of the most important, In its own tote. 

So what if people had a vote? 

I just say this my way. 

Cloves are the reason some people live more days

Lower blood sugars, and help us be healthy 

Some spices can't do this no matter how popular or wealthy. 

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