Important Spices 6/10 Introducing Ginger! Pt.2

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Only 24 days until the release of "Baking sweetness into poetry" The sequel! 

And this talks into some topics that are kind of deep. So beware and please don't be offended! 😣

Sorry,  @FourcedowErsert , It's not Jalapeño, Rosemary or Ginger, Since this one is ginger. 

And @DragonsNotWyverns I can't find a twig Emoji, XD

Ginger. A root. 

You might think it looks bad, because it has soot on it, Soot

It's brown, Not a pretty sight

Although, What's bad with brown? That question alone may cause a fight

Brown as your brownies, Cakes

Other desserts you might make, 

How about your bread? 

Croissants, Toast, Instead

What about your drinks? 

Coffee, tea more if I think

Well, This root is quite helpful 

Regardless of its color, Is that a mouthful? 

It reminds me of the world, Earth

Black and white people it holds together from birth

Although they have not always been equal

Until people rose up, And then Earth released the sequel. 

A free world they said, 

Although hateness was still breed. 

It rose up, Making a bad world, Earth

Some hate was taught when people were at birth. 

Today the earth compares to ginger it's true

It really does, do. 

Ginger is sometimes hated by many

Although is just as important as any.

Healing, Snacking 

A lot of Things it brings you to think, tacking

The word, Ginger means Chaste, With no intention

That's true to the root, And all it's inventions

So, The next time you judge from the cover

Try to endeavor

Before you say

You will be amazed by What you learn today. 

Longest yet! Ok, Garlic tomorrow and cloves the day afterward! 

Good night!

The fine feathered poet, 


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