So spice it up! (.i)

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When some read poems,

They think they're just words, So you just got to show them,

That poems are more then what meets the eye, 

That if you get the right combination you can fly..

Words pour out of your soul, 

Yes, You're on a roll, 

If you just think oh so carefully, 

You'll see the whole picture, Feel the fullness and harmony.

Poems can make words more powerful then before,

Adding bits and maybe a line or stanza more, 

Alright, You're probably thinking, 'What does this have to relate?',

To the point I'm trying to educate?

I'm sorry, But I can't tell you now, 

For we're going to slowly plow, 

Because if I just give it to you, 

Tell you what this all means, What is true, 

This wouldn't be fun, No not at all, 

Although it'd be fine to just recall the idea, Recall, 

So, Like I said, Read this to the end, 

And maybe, Just maybe you'll find it at one bend. 

The spice of Poetry! [UNDER REWRITE]Where stories live. Discover now